NRA boss Wayne LaPierre lambasts ‘militant, paid’ liberal protesters who hate ‘everything America stands for’ – New York Daily News

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:56 pm


Friday, February 24, 2017, 2:57 PM

The NRAs top gun revealed a paranoid vision of the world in a Friday speech that painted Democratic protesters as well-paid criminals bent on terrorizing the country.

National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre unloaded on the left, saying its demonstrators are paid $1,500 a week to wreak havoc.

Theyre angry. Theyre militant and theyre willing to engage in criminal violence to get what they want, LaPierre said at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.

Many of these people literally hate everything America stands for.

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LaPierre described protesters in black ski masks who spit in the face of Gold Star families, tomahawk beer bottles and rocks at police, and smash business plate glass windows while customers cower inside.

And that was just on Inauguration Day, according to LaPierre.

The Lefts message is absolutely clear, LaPierre said. They want revenge. Youve gotta be punished. They say youre whats wrong with America, and now youve gotta be purged.

The NRA honcho also took aim at the media and lumped together reporters and protesters with drug lords and terrorists.

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If youre a member of the leftist media or a soldier for the violent left, a violent criminal, a drug-carteled gang member or a would-be terrorist, hear this, LaPierre said, youre not going to win and you will not defeat us. LaPierre cheered President Trump and chillingly exhorted the NRAs 5 million members to be prepared to fight back.

With all the threats facing America today, your right to protect yourself and your family may be more relevant and urgently needed than ever before, he said.

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NRA boss Wayne LaPierre lambasts 'militant, paid' liberal protesters who hate 'everything America stands for' - New York Daily News

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