Fed up with political correctness – The Rushville Republican

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 4:18 am

One of the things I miss most about my youth and early years was our openness. Friends could and did frequently just sit and talk. We could and did make jokes about any and everything. We did not worry about offending anyone because they, as well as us, knew it was nothing more than a joke, a comment or observation and not meant to deride anyone. Today, one must be cautious beyond what I would feel would be a common occurrence. You cannot speak badly of anyone without worry about law suits, being called racist, one of the most misused nomenclatures of our day. If I mention I had a friend in college who was both colored and Indian, there are those today who say I was a racist. I was not nor am I now. I am an American who is fed up with Political Correctness.

In our society of today political correctness, the mention of anything the other person involved feels is out of line, you are in trouble. We have an elected President. One who seems to be the brunt of many political jokes and comments. Yet he and his administration have to put up with the Democrats dragging their feet on everything he wants to do. I thought the Republicans were a bunch of do nothings for the last 8 years, I was wrong. The Democrats seem to be even more so than any Republican recently. People protest (riot in most instances) because of generally little or nothing. I have heard of people who actually make a living by hiring out as protesters. I hope it is no more than a rumor or feeble attempt to gain some popularity.

Our society of today is showing signs of most Republics or history. They have allowed the population to have too much freedom. Those nuts on the fringe of society are finding that they can and will place their at times ridiculous ideas out there as main stream. Yet they are far from main stream they are just what they should be fringe ideas. Ideas who should have no hearing nor in depth look, which it could not survive. Those people have the right to protest. I spent 3 years of my life protecting their right to protest no matter how stupid it maybe. But I did not do it to allow them to push it way against the tide of public opinion.

The ability of everyone today to immediately have the opportunity of taking pictures, movies, of any happening and then again immediately send it out over the air with or without comments to millions of others who in turn have their own opinions as to what they saw or heard. The national media of today seems to be of the opinion that they know so much more than you or I do they should tell us the news as they want it not as it is. Some of the reporters can ask some of the most stupid and unrelated questions of a person that I have ever seen or heard. One cannot believe much of anything on television or radio or the Internet of today. Picture cropping and changing is prevalent. Reporters making up their stories have become common place today. I remember many times hearing of reporters, some of great repute, actually making up stories in such a way it made them look better than they were. And they had no compulsion about taking a story and bending it to their feelings not reality.

When I was young, you could make a joke about someones ethnicity and both would have a good laugh. Today, youre afraid to mention anything relating to ethnicity, religion, politics or much of anything else without fear of retribution. I remember some of the best ethnic jokes I heard were from those who were of than ethnic arena. I enjoy jokes, and related tales especially from those who were involved but not today do we feel we can do this. Our society seems to think that the elite of the country, the politicians, journalists, bureaucrats are so much smarter than we are they should lead and we follow. Not me daddyo, I prefer to make up my own mind about things, not be told what to think. I detest those who take things and make them fit the needs of the individual. And I detest being told after a political speech or comment what was meant by it. I have a mind and prefer to use it rather than allow someone else tell me what I heard and how to understand it.

I remember the 60s and the many riots, protests of the time. And feel that this was the start of the way things are today. Politics has gotten dirtier, nastier than I have ever seen it. Many people take the Internet as gospel, a huge mistake. People are afraid to do anything that may cause problems later on. Such as helping someone in danger or hurt. There may well be someone who will take a picture of it and spread it all over the world for everyone to see. You cant have an opinion that someone else does not adhere to any more. We are close to an Orwellian world and for one I abhor that idea.

We have and should have the right to protest and make our feelings known. But we also need to see just what that opinion may have or may not have that I like and agree with. I should and do check into things to be sure they are correct. That what I hear is not like the game we played when I was young where someone started a story and passed it around numerous people and the last one told us what he heard. And never was it at times even close to what was stated out originally. We need to think, be cautious of what we hear and what we believe. Make our opinions known and make them as true as possible. And most important make up your own mind. Look into things, digest them, check them then make them known. Be an American not a mouth piece for someone or something else.

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Fed up with political correctness - The Rushville Republican

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