New shark of the Caribbean | Global Ideas | DW.COM | 15.02.2017 – Deutsche Welle

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:42 am

The Fisheries Department of Belize and researchers with the Florida International University (FIU) registered their discovery of a previously unknown species of Sphyrna or hammerhead shark this week.

They say its range is relatively small and that it needs clean waters to survive, which is indicative of the health of the 300 kilometer long Belize Barrier reef -the longest in the northern hemisphere - where it was found.

Philipp Kanstinger, marine conservation expert with WWF Germany says the find underscores the importance of the reef as a biodiversity hotspot, and signals the need for action.

"The WWF is working with other partners to ensure this valuable location will be preserved in the future," he said in a press release.

The organization isalso calling on the government of Belizeto be actively involved in protectingthe marine paradise, which is home to more than 500 species of fish, over 100 types of coral as well as a rich diversity of flora.

Sharks, dolphins, sea turtles,manta rays and the American marine crocodileare also among the wildlife known to swim in those parts.

Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, the reef is comprised of seven marine protected areas. But the ecosystem has come under threat in recent years as thousands of hectares of mangrove forest have been destroyed in the name of coastal and industrial development. In 2009, the destruction prompted UNESCO to put the site on its endangered list.

Blame it on Jaws or blame it on the fact that sharks do have rather a lot of sharp teeth, fact is, many humans have a fear of sharks as deep as the waters in which they swim. Any expert will tell you, we kill by far more of these great fish a year than they do us. So should we really be scared?

There are five species of reef shark, of which this is one. Feasting on crustaceans and fish alike, they are the top predator in the fragile ecosystem from which they take their name. They are no strangers to divers either, and have been known to attack when they feel threatened.

There are more than 250 recorded species of shark in the waters around our planet. They range in size and ferocity. The sand tiger shark weighs up to 159 kilos and can reach a length of 3.2 meters. They are big eaters, have a mouth full of frightening looking teeth, but are generally regarded as being docile and unlikely to attack humans unless provoked to do so.

Though it is impossible to know exactly how many sharks are killed annually for their fins, some estimates put the number around 100 million. Finning, as the practice is known, entails the removal of the fin while the shark is alive. The animals are then cast back into the sea where if not dead already, they succumb to a painful end. The fins are used to make soup, which costs up to $100 a bowl.

Recent research revealed that Greenland sharks can live to the extraordinarily ripe old age of 400. These predators have a healthy appetite, but have never been known to go for humans. They like cold waters, through which they move slowly. And that is not the only thing they do at a leisurly pace - they don't even reach sexual maturity until they are around 150. will hurt you. At 18 meters, whale sharks are the longest species in the family, and indeed the biggest fish in the sea. At that rate, dinner should be theirs for the picking, but their penchant is for plankton. Good news for all the other creatures in the sea. But whale sharks are at risk. Not only are they fished for their fins, oil and meat, but are often hit by eco-tourism boats.

Said to be the best researched sharks, the lemon species is considered non-agressive. To date there have been no recorded incidents of a human fatality as a result of a lemon shark attack. They are social creatures that move in groups, where they rarely display aggressive behavior to each other.

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New shark of the Caribbean | Global Ideas | DW.COM | 15.02.2017 - Deutsche Welle

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