Pokemon Go Special Items: How to get Evolution Stones in Gen 2 update – Express.co.uk

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:25 am


While there are now 80 new Pokemon to catch from the Johto region, many of them require Pokemon Special Items.

These perform as Evolution Stones to help turn some of your old original Pokemon into their next form.


This could prove a huge boon for those players who have some strong Pocket Monsters that have reached the Evolution ceiling, especially when it comes to taking Gyms.

To get these new Pokemon Go Gen 2 Special Items, fans are going to have to head back outside and hit their local Poke Stops.

This is because the only way to grab these vital evolution items is by spinning those bad boys. Over and over like last year.

Those Evolution items include:

Heres a list of other Candy amounts needed for Gen 1 - Gen 2 crossover Pokemon:


1 of 10

Pokemon Go Gen 2 UPDATE Marill

The Pokemon Go Hub have listed some other important changes that could help trainers looking to grab as much candy as possible:

Candies: You can now get 5 candies when catching a Stage 1 evolution. 10 candies for a stage 2 evolution. Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee candies have been unified into Tyorgue candies.

Evolution items: Evolution items are required for some evolutions such as Scyther->Scyzor (Metal coat). Evolution items come out of pokestops and are consumed once used.

For pokemon with branched evolutions such as Slowpoke or Gloom, you get 2 evolution buttons, allowing you to choose with one you want. Eevees only have one button.

See more here:

Pokemon Go Special Items: How to get Evolution Stones in Gen 2 update - Express.co.uk

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