Onnit Earth Grown Nutrients All-In-One Daily Greens Mix Review – BarBend (blog)

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:28 pm

It seems like every supplement company is trying their hand at perfecting the greens powder, and today Imtrying the offering from one of the fitness industrys biggest giants, Onnit. On the nutrition side,Onnit is perhaps best known for their nootropics and MCT oil. How does their greens powder measure up? I tried out the lemon mint flavor of their Earth Grown Nutrients All in One Daily Greens Mix.

Soy-free and dairy-free, the product aims to approach health from five different angles: theres aPower Greens Blend which has the more traditional greens powder ingredients of wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa and some seaweeds. (This is intended to alkalizethe body.)

Then theres the Champion Blend of variousPeruvian fruits and vegetables that are meantto increase the antioxidant effect. Theres a Rainbow Blend of fruits and vegetables that are meant to provide numerous health benefits and delicious natural flavoring, a Detox Blend of milk thistle, olive leaf, and dandelion root intended to support the bodys normal detoxification processes, and the Gut Blend, a collection of enzymes and prebiotics.

Notably, the gut blend does not contain probiotics, though prebiotics are essentially considered food for probiotics (fiber is a prebiotic) and are linked to healthier gut flora.

The All in One Daily Greens Mix comes in lemon mint and black cherry flavor. I tried the lemon mint flavor, and it tasted a lot like unsweetened chamomile tea with a very mild hint of lemon.Its not sweet, its quite earthy, but its not overwhelmingly bitter like a lot of powders out there and there are no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. If you like the occasional cup of plain green tea, youll be fine with this.

I want to give this product the benefit of the doubt, but it falls prey to the markets tendency to claim a lot of very vague-sounding benefits without showing much evidence for it. The nutrition label is pretty short: it has 35 percent of the RDI of vitamin C, 22 percent of your iron (an impressively high amount), 12 percent of your fiber, 6percentof your calcium thats kind of it. I dont know if there are any other minerals magnesium, selenium, anything like that. I dont know how manyprebiotics it has or how effective the dose might be.

It claims to have a blend of power greens that alkalize my body but how much does it alkalize compared to, say, a cup of spinach? It says it contains five fruits and vegetables to help neturalize free radicals, which iswhat antioxidants do, but how many antioxidants does it have compared to a cup ofreal fruits and vegetables? I dont know. Give me a way to actually understandthe alleged benefits.I can appreciate that different greens powders might have different levels of different nutrients, but at least provide an average amount. Other greens powders do this; its not impossible.

Onnit does market their greens powder more honestly than a lot of its competitors it doesnt say this can replace all your other supplements and it doesnt say it can substitute forany amount of fruits and veggies. But it uses a lot of suspiciously ambiguous language, particularly designed to help you reach your daily green goal in one convenient and delicious drink mix.

If thats true, it should tell me how and to what degree it can substitute for fruits and vegetables. Many of the benefits of leafy greens come from the minerals, not the vitamins.As it is, I dont even know if it contains any minerals beyond calcium, iron, and sodium, how many antioxidants it has, or in what way it can boost digestion.

Its also pretty expensive, 35 dollars for 15 servings, or $2.30 a serving. Thats moreexpensive than most other supplements Ive seen so far, except for Athletic Greens, which is about $4.20 a serving. Compare that with $30 for 30 servings ofPharma Freaks Greens Freak($1/serve), Sunwarriors Ormus Super Greens at $50 for ninetyservings ($0.55/serve), and $52 for a hundred serves of Amazing Grasss Green Superfood ($0.52/serve).


Taste: 3.5/5

Effectiveness: 2/5


Many folks report higher energy levels and better digestion when theyre taking this product, which is great and that could be true, or it could be a placebo effect. If I knew what micronutrients are actually present in this micronutrient supplement, then Id feel more comfortable recommending it.

The rest is here:

Onnit Earth Grown Nutrients All-In-One Daily Greens Mix Review - BarBend (blog)

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