Labour will not introduce private members bill on euthanasia – (press release)

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:57 am

Labour will not be introducing a private members bill on euthanasia Andrew Little MP, Leader Labour Party.


Andrew Little MP, leader of the Labour Party recently advised Right to Life in a letter that It does not reflect Labours view and Labour will not be introducing a private members bill on Euthanasia. Right to Life commends Andrew Little for his integrity and courage in emphatically rejecting the threat of Euthanasia which would permit doctors to kill their patients or assist in their suicide. This is a victory for a culture of life. Right to Life is hopeful that the Labour caucus will fully support their leader on this important issue.

The Labour Party has a long and illustrious history of defending life. Andrew Littles stand is in the tradition of its great leaders who defended life; Michael Savage, Peter Frazer, Walter Nash, Arnold Nordmeyer, Bill Rowling, David Lange and Mike Moore.

The first duty of government is to protect the right to life of every member of the human family from conception to natural death.

Andrew little also stated that Euthanasia is a conscience issue, not a party political issue and it is not one of Labours priorities. This is a welcome assurance, that should Labour be elected to govern at the general election on Saturday 23rd September 2017, a Labour government would not present a bill promoting Euthanasia. It is also reassuring that should a private members bill on Euthanasia be drawn from the ballot, Labour members would have a conscience vote.

The Labour Party has traditionally defended the weak and the marginalised in society. The assurances of Andrew little will be of comfort to the most vulnerable members of our community, the aged, the disabled and the seriously ill.

Andrew little has previously shown integrity and courage in refusing to allow Ian Lees-Galloway MP permission in December 2015, to return to the ballot the Euthanasia bill drafted by Maryan Street, a list MP who lost her seat at the last general election.

The petition of Maryan Street and 8974 others on Euthanasia is currently being considered by the Parliamentary Health Select Committee. There were an unprecedented 21,435 written submissions to this petition. The Committee has recently completed hearing oral submissions. A scientific random analysis of the written submissions revealed an overwhelming 78 per cent of submissions in opposition to Euthanasia and assisted suicide. David Seymour MP Leader of ACT is pushing hard for Euthanasia and currently has a bill in the ballot; its title is End of Life Choice bill

Ken Orr


Scoop Media

See the original post:

Labour will not introduce private members bill on euthanasia - (press release)

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