Bluefield officials urge those that want to see city progress to take online survey – Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Posted: February 13, 2017 at 9:09 am

BLUEFIELD The City of Bluefields economic development director is urging business owners and those wanting to see the city progress to take an online survey related to an upcoming program.

Called Cool & Connected, the city recently received a grant to look at broadband service and how it can create growth in the city.

There will be community meetings in March and the city is in the process of gathering information for those meetings.

Spencer said the meetings will be held on March 21 and 22 and a conference call is set for Feb. 15 on the Cool & Connected program.

Thats why its important for more people to take the survey today and Tuesday, he added, to add input for the conference call.

You only need to take one survey, he said, adding that a community stakeholder is defined as a resident of the city with a vested interest in the success of the city.

The survey data will be vital to the success of the project, he said.

Business owners can access the survey at

Government, public sector and community stakeholders can access the survey at

The more people who take the survey, the more data he will have for the program, he said.

According to the online information about the program, Cool & Connected is a planning assistance program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service, EPAs Office of Sustainable Communities, and the Appalachian Regional Commission,and helps small townsuse broadband service to revitalize main streets.

Communities can combine broadband service with other local assets such as cultural and recreational amenities to attract investment and people, including young people, and diversify local economies.

Through Cool & Connected, a team of experts helps community members develop strategies and an action plan for using broadband to create walkable, connected, economically vibrant main streets and small-town neighborhoods that improve human health and the environment.

Contact Charles Boothe at

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Bluefield officials urge those that want to see city progress to take online survey - Bluefield Daily Telegraph

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