Ringling showcase offers glimpse of virtual reality in Sarasota – Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Posted: February 10, 2017 at 3:15 am

Thomas Becnel Staff Writer @thomasbecnel

SARASOTA Charlotte Suhler moved inside a human heart, craning her neck for a better look at the virtual reality of throbbing valves and pulsing muscles.

That was wild, she said, smoothing her hair after taking off a headset. Not scary fascinating to see whats inside you.

Ron Fowler took a virtual tour of an operating room that felt like a glimpse of the future.

It felt like I was almost in it, you know what I mean?" he said. "I was almost there. I can see how close they are.

Stacy Prouty took a swing at a tennis ball without leaving the Roskamp Exhibition Hall at the Ringling College of Art and Design.

Oh wow, she said. Im not a video gamer, but theres a very emotional reaction. It was exhilarating.

On Thursday evening, Ringling College and the Gulf Coast Community Foundation presented a technology showcase called "Seeing the Future in Virtual Reality. A few hundred guests got their first look at what everyone kept calling VR.

They struggled to describe an experience that feels less like cinema and more like role playing.

Theres no amount of explaining it to someone, said Jim McCampbell, head of the Ringling computer animation program. They have to see it.

'Blow people's minds'

Guest speakers for the showcase included Scott Ross and Brett Leonard, entertainment executives who lead a new media company in California called Virtuosity VR.

Were the Hollywood guys, Ross joked.

He was serious, though, about the idea of change coming sooner rather than later in all facets of modern life. There are applications for virtual reality in every field science and medicine, business and commerce, education and entertainment.

I guarantee this will be the future, Ross said. Its a totally new and immersive medium that will change the world. We see opportunities that will blow peoples minds.

Local speakers included Jeff Hazelton, chief technology officer for the Sharecare Reality Lab in Sarasota. He talked about using virtual reality to explore the body in medical programs such as the Dr. Oz television program.

Were reaching a lot of people, he said. There are huge opportunities in virtual reality, and its happening right here in Sarasota."

Rust Bucket ride

Teddy Mundy offered people an airship ride through a virtual experience called Rust Bucket.

His senior project puts people at the controls of an airship they must pilot through a swamp. The best part is watching newcomers enter a virtual world for the first time.

Its really fun just seeing how people react and move, Mundy said. Until they take off the headset thats one of my favorite things and theyre like, Whoa!

Dale Strohl was one of the Ringling guests who took a Rust Bucket ride. He wasnt disappointed.

You could actually pilot the ship, he marveled. At first, I thought Id have problems with the controls, but I didnt. It felt like I was there.

Strohl cant wait to see what Hollywood will do with this dramatic new medium.

Its already a thing, he said. But its going to be a helluva thing.

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Ringling showcase offers glimpse of virtual reality in Sarasota - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

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