Liberal land – Richfield Reaper

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 6:42 am

Stan Ivie likens Donald Trump to a Pied Piper, leading we mesmerized villagers into an alternative reality. Lets look at the reality of what I call Liberal Land.

In Liberal Land, so-called feminists march in protest, dressed like womens privates, screaming obscenities that would make sailors blush, allowing their children to carry vulgarity-laced signs.

Madonna announces she thinks about blowing up the White House. Ashley Judd likens Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

Another featured speaker Donna Hylton, convicted in 1985 of the murder of a New York real estate broker. Before he died, Hylton and others tortured the victim in ways so gruesome this newspaper would not print them. Their mantra abortion on demand. Great role models all.

No boys or girls in Liberal Land. Teachers refer to kids in gender-neutral terms such as purple penguins. Bruce Jenner becomes Caitlyn, the first man to be voted woman of the year.

If youre male, but feel female, its OK to use the womens restroom. The term expectant mother banned in Britain, because it might offend somebody.

Heroes are snubbed (Chris Kyle), thugs iconized (Michael Brown), victims dismissed (Kate Steinle), traitors excused (Bowe Bergdahl).

Patriotism is racist; individualism, taboo; globalism, supreme; national sovereignty, an abomination; killing the unborn, glorified.

Its open season on cops. Black on black murder, ignored. Block the freeway if you feel oppressed. Burning, looting and destroying other peoples property is condoned.

Denizens of Liberal Land hail themselves as pro-feminist, pro-gay/lesbian/transgender and defenders of children, yet laud Islam and Sharia law, which views women as property, supports female mutilation, pedophilia, child marriage, barbaric execution of dissidents, and the murder of gays tossing them alive from building tops.

In Liberal Land, you can marry anyone or anything you want. Same sex marriage is OK. If gender doesnt matter, neither does age. Soon, adults will be allowed to marry children. Marry your dog, your car, a rhinoceros. Whatever you want. Beware the horn.

Free speech? Tolerated so long as its liberal speech. Colleges, historically bastions of the open exchange of ideas, are now little more than dispensaries of liberal propaganda. Conservative speakers are banned from campuses, or forced to flee because of leftist riots.

Those who libs disagree with are given derogatory labels monikers such as racist, fascist, bigot, narrow-minded, misogynist, xenophobe, islamophobe, homophobe and, a Stan Ivie classic, mesmerized villagers.

Ill take the Pied Piper, thank you.

Kevin Jones


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Liberal land - Richfield Reaper

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