Savage Truth: Native American applies to most –

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 5:44 am

WMAZ 10:47 PM. EST February 08, 2017

Read an article recently in which the writer declared the only true Native Americans are American Indians.

The writer, who'll remain unnamed, apparently adheres to the politically-correct (PC) notion that people born in the United States other than American Indians can't claim to be natives.

That definition for Native American is "a member of any indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere." The PC group use that definition because the followers think Indians are offended by the word Indian.

But many American Indians, including Russell Means, the Lakota activist and founder of the American Indian Movement, favors Indian over Native American.

"I abhor the term Native American," Means said.

Actually, the writer wasn't concerned about Indians or their welfare. She was attacking President Donald Trump on his immigration policies. She claimed the President should remember that everyone in the United States, except Native Americans are immigrants.

That's ridiculous.

Trump's policies include deporting millions of alleged illegal immigrants and preventing people from some countries from entering the United States.

The definition of immigrant is a person who comes to a country "of which one is not a native usually for permanent residence."

A native is defined as "a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth."

The first sentence in Section 1 of Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside."

The amendment was adopted July 9, 1868.

Granted, Christopher Columbus attached the name Indian to the people he saw when he arrived in what's now America. He attached that label because he mistakenly thought he was in the West Indies.

Since then, millions of people have come or been brought to American shores. Indeed, those first arrivals were immigrants, but the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, and generations of grandchildren of those immigrants are Native Americans.

Millions of Americans are descendent of immigrants. They proudly call themselves Native Americans, and they find it politically incorrect and offensive when an ill-informed politically correct person says they're not.

( 2017 WMAZ)

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