Looking for a New Job? 4 Ways to Job Search Discreetly – U.S. News & World Report (blog)

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 10:23 pm

When looking for a new job, the majority of professionals need to conduct their job search without their current employer knowing. And with the advent of social media, and the importance of using LinkedIn in your search, it can be difficult to know how to conduct a job search effectively, yet discreetly.

First, take heart knowing you are not alone. According to LinkedIn's 2015 Talent Trends report, nearly one in three employees are actively searching for a new job a lot of professionals. So how can you go about looking for a new job, including utilizing LinkedIn and networking within your industry, without everyone finding out? Here are a few pointers:

Consider an internal change. When job searching, many people don't fully consider whether there is an opportunity for them in their own backyard. Before you send your resume to other companies, ask yourself if you are unhappy with your role and the organization you work for, or if it is just about your current job. Evaluate all options before you launch into a search.

Consider if there would be an opportunity for you within your current organization that would provide more job satisfaction. If there is, take the time to find out more before you make your final decision. You never know. When people are unsatisfied with their jobs, they tend to feel like they have to make a dramatic change. And nine times out of 10, they don't need to; they only need to make a course correction.

Don't search during work hours. It is unprofessional to search for a new job while on the clock at your current position. It may be tempting to do so if you are having a slow day or are incredibly unhappy in your job, but there is another thing to keep in mind besides professionalism. Most companies have a transparency policy with their computers and other devices, so keep in mind nothing you do is necessarily private on their devices.

Although not all companies spy on their employees, you never know when they might schedule a random check of websites you visit or emails you send. If you decide you really need to check on organizations currently hiring or make an urgent call about a job interview while on a work break, don't do so on your office computer, phone or tablet. And do it on your lunch hour. Keep your searches on your personal devices and on your own time.

Enable stealth mode online. LinkedIn and other job-search applications have settings to let you job search discreetly. These settings are always evolving, so make sure you understand how these features work in each application and that they haven't been changed before uploading a resume and cover letter. For example, on LinkedIn you can disable the feature where other users are notified if you make updates or changes to your profile. Check out your applications' privacy features thoroughly prior to launching your search.

And keep in mind that on LinkedIn, even though users may not be notified that you are making changes, you may want to make your updates slowly over time so they attract less attention, especially with a public profile.

Be careful who you tell. If you have decided that you need to make a change to a new organization or career path, you will want to share your news with your network and people who can assist you with your search. But before you tell everyone, consider the possible implications with each person.

If your uncle is close friends with your boss's boss, will the news accidentally be shared over a game of golf, for example? If you tell your close work buddies, could the news accidentally slip out at work when your boss can overhear? And if your industry is small and close-knit, does that mean that news could travel quickly? Whoever you decide to share your news with while you are still job searching, ask them to be discreet as well.


Companies are checking you out online, so why not use social media to enhance your qualifications? A 2015CareerBuilder surveyof more than 2,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals revealed that 52 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates.In fact, about one-thirdof thoseemployers have found content that made them more likely to hire a candidate. Here's howto build a positive, professional online presence to help you stand out.

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Almost 40 percent of those surveyed said that a candidate's personality on social media seemed like a good fit with company culture. How often have you thought: "If only I could get in front of someone and prove I am a good fit?" With social media, you can inject your style in status updates and even your LinkedIn summary. Sure, your skills and experience qualify you for jobs, but your personality is one more way to seal the deal.


When employers see how your background information supports your qualifications for the job, you look like the real deal. Forty-two percent of employers liked the idea of being able to validate a candidate's experience by checking him or her out on social media. Make sure your LinkedIn and other social network profiles are consistent and match your rsum.


What you say in your bio and on social profiles provides hiring managers with a glimpse of your professionalism. Thirty-eight percent of employers were impressed with the professional image presented by a candidate's site. Use a high-quality photo (preferably a headshot) with a neutral background that's free of distractions, such as pets or people. Wear work-appropriateclothes no prom pictures or beach shots. And pay attention to small details, such as grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spacing.

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You say you have excellent communication skills, but how can you further provide proof? Thirty-seven percent of employers said social network profiles and status updates offered evidence of great communication skills. As with your profile, punctuation, spelling and grammar are important in tweets, too. And remember to behave appropriately online. Avoid arguments, profanity and negative rants.

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In a similar CareerBuilder survey of more than 2,000 hiring and HR managers last year, 40 percent of employers selected candidates who seemed well-rounded on their profiles and social media updates. Share your volunteer involvement and other activities that show how you enjoy spending your free time. However, avoid mentioning controversial or extreme interests.


Employers often seek candidates who can think outside the box. Thirty-six percent of theemployers in last year's surveysaida candidate's creativity on social media made a difference in the hiring decision. Show off your creative abilities online by displaying an infographic rsum, using new technology or posting clever status updates.

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Thirty percent of companies liked seeing references posted about a candidate, according to the 2014 survey. Unsolicited or nonreciprocal recommendations are powerful. LinkedIn allows you to display recommendations within your profile, so be sure to ask a boss or happy customer to write one for you. You can make it even easier for them when you provide suggestions or key points you believe are worth mentioning.


In your cover letter or rsum, you may have said you were a top performer or gained recognition for your stellar accomplishments. In the 2014 survey, 31 percent of employers found proof of such recognition online and said it worked in the candidates' favor. Snap a photo or grab a screenshot to capture your success. Then share it for all to see, and embed it in your LinkedIn profile.


Companies with social media accounts want to engage in conversation. Twenty-four percent of theemployers in last year's surveysaid they liked it when a candidate interacted with one of their social media accounts. Check the company's website to see which social networks are listed, especially the accounts related to careers. Always be positive and complimentary, and ask questions beyond: "Did you get my application?"

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Fourteen percent of employers see a large following or subscriber base as a positive, according to the 2014 survey. If people are following you, then you might just have something interesting or valuable to say. Thought leadership and community engagement can benefit the company. Build your following organically by providing information that is valuable to your target audience. Interact with like-minded professionals online. Gaining a following isn't easy. But, if you are a good social community citizen, it could be an asset to your future employer.

Read more here:

Looking for a New Job? 4 Ways to Job Search Discreetly - U.S. News & World Report (blog)

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