Red light maniacs are putting lives at risk outside school in Sealand – News North Wales

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:43 am

SAFETY concerns have been raised about motorists seen driving through red lights outside a school.

Sealand councillor Christine Jones said she was mortified when she saw motorists driving through red lights on the crossing outside Sealand Primary School on Welsh Road.

Cllr Jones said such foolhardiness by motorists could cost a child their life.

She said: The cars are travelling at speed and the drivers seem to have no regard for the children and parents waiting to cross the very busy road.

The fact that these drivers are doing this at school times is totally outrageous and extremely dangerous.

We really need to make drivers aware that their inconsiderate and dangerous driving could claim a childs life.

Cllr Jones said the safety concerns meant Flintshire Council agreed the school could keep their lollipop person but so far they have had no takers for the job.

She added: The county council did a speed check recently and the results were presented to the community council.

The results did show some speeding traffic at certain times of the day but not enough to warrant a speed camera.

Ive emailed the police and told them of our worries.

These drivers have got to slow down before we have a tragedy at this location.

I really wish we could get a crossing patrol person, as this did not seem to occur as often when she was on patrol.

Cllr Jones added she had similar concerns at Sealand Aveune, with people driving along the road at speed.

She said she has asked for traffic calming measures and a give way sign at the crossroad in an attempt to increase safety on the road.

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Red light maniacs are putting lives at risk outside school in Sealand - News North Wales

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