Lib Dems Should Embrace Automation of the Workforce – Liberal Democrat Voice

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:10 am

Whether we like it or not, an automated workforce is coming. The question is how do we approach it? Its predicted that by 2020 robots will replace 5 million jobs in the US alone. We cannot shy away from this issue. We need a clear position on this, and one which we shout about so the public know what it is. There seems to be only two options offered by the two other parties (universal basic income, that nightmare that wont die) and to erode workers rights so that only big businesses will benefit from it.

We need to offer a third option. We need to embrace change; after all, liberals are progressives. By adopting an approach that works for both workers and business we can be at the forefront of the convocation and ensure we strike a balance. I am not saying what these policies should be, I am merely saying that we should have some and be vocal about them.

I can see three advantages of why we should be at the forefront of the conversation. The first, like I said previously, we can lead the debate and ensure that there is a liberal and progressive view on the matter.

The second is voter perception. In a time of uncertainty and turmoil, people are worried about losing their jobs. If the Lib Dems can show that we have a plan and we can handle what the future hold, we can appeal to these very people, while also not resorting to protectionism. By having a clear plan of how we will deal with it, we can both appeal to the people who want the benefits that automation can bring and the people who are worried and want a clear plan on how a government will deal with it.

The third is we can plan. By discussing it now, we can ensure that in 20 years time we have a more automated society but also one where people are employed and prevent more people being pushed into poverty. We are lacking in IT skills at the moment, in some areas, meaning that jobs dont get filled or are moved overseas. But if we come up with a robust plan for education, we can make sure that the next generations will have the skills that they need. We could help drive the high tech jobs market, limit the damage of job loss and provide people with the skills that businesses will want. This way we will also create more jobs offsetting some of the jobs lost.

All these reason I believe will drive us towards a success with the electorate. In a time of Trump and Brexit, the next 20 year look uncertain. But automation is clear part of our future and it is up to the government to know how to deal with it. I think voters will respond well to a party that is looking forward and a party that has ideas and a plan in place for the future. This will also be better for society as a whole, automation will cause disruption to societys already fractured equilibrium, but by debating about how we will deal with it now, we can, keep any disruption to a minimum and reach a new equilibrium quicker. After all, we came back from the industrial revolution.

* Matthew Phillips is a member of the Islington Liberal Democrat exec.

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Lib Dems Should Embrace Automation of the Workforce - Liberal Democrat Voice

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