Getting your calcium dairy vs. dietary supplements – WRVO Public Media

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 3:17 pm

Calcium is essential for healthy bones, but could getting it from supplements be doing more harm than good?

This week on Take Care, Dr. Taylor Wallace, affiliate professor in the department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University and former senior director of science, policy and government relations at the National Osteoporosis Foundation, discusses the effects that taking calcium supplements could have on cardiovascular health.

Calcium and cardiovascular health arent commonly associated with one another, but recent studies highlighting a potential link between heart health and calcium intake has cast the safety of calcium supplements into doubt.

The link stems from the hypothesis that an increased intake in calcium might cause arteries to calcify faster, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. But according to Wallace, the association of calcified arteries with calcium supplements is misguided; partially because it fails to address the impact of supplemental calcium from fortified sources like orange juice or soy milk, and partially because there is no correlation between arterial calcification and calcium intake.

When you have inflammation in your arteries, they calcify regardless of whether youre taking a supplement or whether you have a high intake of dairy products or other calcium rich foods, Wallace said. Thats a normal physiological process in response to inflammation, regardless of whether you take any type of supplemental calcium.

The level of calcium in a persons blood remains static regardless of diet or supplement intake. Without an appropriate amount of calcium from external sources (1,300 milligrams daily, according to the FDA), the body compensates by pulling calcium from the bonessomething that Wallace says is a major health concern.

Its extremely important that everyone get enough calcium, Wallace said. Osteoporosis is a huge public health epidemic; over 50 percent of individuals either have osteoporosis or a condition called low bone mass, otherwise known as osteopenia.

The risks of not getting enough calcium outweigh the risks of getting of calcium from supplementswhich, according to Wallace, is essentially nonexistent.

This is one of those instances where weve made a lot of public awareness around an issue where the scientific data is just not there, Wallace said. Its very poor data, and its a very small pool of data from the same lab groups.

Cardiovascular risks aside, dietary supplements are often cited as being less effective than calcium from dietary sources, like dairy products or dark leafy greens such as kale. So should you be worried about how you get your calcium? According to Wallace, the answer is still nohe himself takes calcium supplements.

Youre going to get [calcium] from two different ways, youre either going to get it from the diet, or youre going to get it from your bones, Wallace said. I recommend that if youre not getting three 8-ounce glasses of milk each day, you should supplement with 300 milligrams of elemental calcium per absent serving of dairy.

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Getting your calcium dairy vs. dietary supplements - WRVO Public Media

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