EverGreenCoin – Environmental Green Causes, nurtured by …

Posted: January 25, 2017 at 5:45 am

What is EverGreenCoin?

EverGreenCoin is much more than a new currency, a new 'cryptocurrency' as it's called. Cryptocurrency is a sort of digital money that can be used as a store of value or in exchange for goods and services. The EverGreenCoin currency itself is only the mechanism leveraged to nourish our more important focus, taking responsible care of our environment and the world we live in.

EverGreenCoin is a decedent of Bitcoin and EverGreenCoin inherited some great traits from its ancestors. Traits like being able to transfer anywhere in the world with near zero fees, regardless of borders. Zero risk to personal information loss or theft because personal information is never required. Zero manipulation by governments and banks because EverGreenCoin is not printed, or 'mined' as the case may be, out of thin air. Rather the supply is finite, predetermined, rates never change, and only the free market dictates its price. But we, the environmentally awake, will determine its true value.

EverGreenCoin has taken its ancestral traits and built upon them, and in ways more friendly for both our planet and the people storing, spending, and receiving value with EverGreenCoin. In large part, this comes from Proof of Stake mining. Proof of Stake replaces the Proof of Work methodology for making transactions happen and securing the record of transactions that have happened in the past. This record is called a blockchain. For maintaining the blockchain through mining, you are rewarded and this is true for both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.

The difference is that with Proof of Stake, you are not wasting electricity and taking a gamble on what your reward amount might be. With EverGreenCoin your reward is always 7% annual and the energy consumed is no greater than running a word processor on your computer and can be done in the background during times you already have your computer on.

EverGreenCoin is also much faster than Bitcoin. Transaction on the EverGreenCoin network are fully confirmed, which means fully received and spendable, faster than a Bitcoin transaction would get its first confirmation. In what Bitcoin could transfer in an hour, EverGreenCoin could do 10 times over again. Actually 100 time, because of EverGreenCoin's larger blocks also.

Neither traditional banking system nor Bitcoin can give you what EverGreenCoin gives you. In addition, you are helping yourself and all living things by increasing asset potential for EverGreenCoin's environmental aspirations.

It is free to make an EverGreenCoin account. You do not need to surrender any personal information. You do not need a credit check. There are no age or border restrictions. You do not need to make an account on this website, but it is encouraged as it will allow you to communicate with like-minded people. Click here for help deciding which solution is best for your needs.

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