Atheism | Topics | Christianity Today

Posted: January 22, 2017 at 11:50 am

And then I shared it with the man the government sent to kill me.

Virginia Prodan / September 23, 2016

What life was like for unbelievers long before Christopher Hitchens and company arrived on the scene.

Timothy Larsen / August 22, 2016

I had no untapped, unanswered yearnings. All was well in the state of Denmark. And then it wasnt.

Nicole Cliffe / May 20, 2016

How I learned to see my unbelieving husband through Gods eyes.

Stina Kielsmeier-Cook, guest writer / May 19, 2016

What we really need, says Kevin Seamus Hasson, is a different understanding of the God our nation is under.

Interview by Matt Reynolds / March 18, 2016

(UPDATED) However, survey also finds Trump is one of few candidates who doesn't have to be religious to be deemed great.

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra / January 27, 2016

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed Joy Davidmans worldview, too.

Abigail Santamaria / August 18, 2015

And everything else. How I learned hes an all-or-nothing Lord.

Craig Keener / May 20, 2015

Nancy Pearcey equips believers with tools to expose error and promote truth.

Richard Weikart / April 10, 2015

Planting in Highly-Church Areas; Atheists Believe in Heaven; Alex and Brett Harris

Ed Stetzer / November 24, 2014

End of Mideast Christianity?; Atheism in China; Exercising Power and Wise Boundaries

Ed Stetzer / November 19, 2014

Inside my own revolution.

Guillaume Bignon / November 17, 2014

But question remains: Will IRS agree with DOJ that atheists count as 'ministers of the gospel'?

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra / November 13, 2014

Sarah Bowler on what she's learned about God from unbelievers.

Ed Stetzer / October 16, 2014

Bart Campolo's departure from Christianitysome reflections about faith and (our) families.

Ed Stetzer / September 30, 2014

The temptation of utilitarianism.

Amy Julia Becker / September 12, 2014

Humanists say LifeWay Research was biased, but both polls are helpful

Ed Stetzer / September 5, 2014

IRS and Atheists; Getting Fired from Your First Pastorate; Transformational Churches

Ed Stetzer / August 12, 2014

New survey finds even liberals largely favor Christians over other types of marriage partners.

Kate Tracy / June 17, 2014

How the realm of make-believe can bring us toward God.

Rachel Marie Stone / June 10, 2014

What a Kentucky court ruling implies for a high-profile Wisconsin challenge to the clergy housing allowance.

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra / May 21, 2014

For the UK writer, Christianity must first make sense in the realm of lived experience.

Interview by John Wilson / April 3, 2014

NYT's 3 Worst Corrections on Christian Holidays; 3 Questions for Managing Your Boss; Who are the "Nones"?

Ed Stetzer / April 2, 2014

Are Evangelicals Bad for Marriage?; Is Atheism Irrational?; Great Teammates

Ed Stetzer / February 17, 2014

Were confused by one California pastors year without God.

Laura Turner / January 9, 2014

Pentecostals and Charismatics; Life Apart from God; Ted Turner and Heaven

Ed Stetzer / November 21, 2013

City Density; Bias Toward Action; Atheist Megachurches

Ed Stetzer / November 18, 2013

Despite outpouring of support, a few fellow students remain critical of atheist senior at Northwest Christian.

Timothy C. Morgan / November 12, 2013

(UPDATED) Legal challenge to pastor tax break takes 'fascinating turn.'

Jeremy Weber / August 19, 2013

A new study highlights important differences between nonbelievers. But they have many things in common, too.

George Yancey / August 12, 2013

Willow Creek; Young Atheists; Kingdom of God; Beth Moore on The Exchange

Ed Stetzer / June 10, 2013

I tried to face down an overwhelming body of evidence, as well as the living God.

Jordan Monge / April 4, 2013

As a leftist lesbian professor, I despised Christians. Then I somehow became one.

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield / February 7, 2013

Susan Jacoby's biography of Robert Ingersoll mistakes a likeable fellow with a second-rate mind for a "freethinking" hall-of-famer.

Timothy Larsen / January 29, 2013

Children are statistically significant factor in church attendance by atheist scientists.

Melissa Steffan / January 2, 2013

U.K. group would offer alternative 'Scout Promise' that removes reference to God.

Melissa Steffan / December 18, 2012

In my questions for God, I'm like my kids. Sometimes sincere in my doubts. Sometimes whiny, repetitive, insistent. Often not even asking God directly but allowing my doubts to protect me from talking to God, or listening to God, at all.

December 10, 2012

Leah Libresco announced her conversion Monday after lengthy exploration of morality on her blog.

Jeremy Weber / June 19, 2012

How to think about the death of the outspoken atheist.

Douglas Wilson / December 16, 2011

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Atheism | Topics | Christianity Today

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