Jill Stein for President

Posted: November 2, 2016 at 6:55 am

Recently, our campaign received a letter that made our day.

Susan Sarandon wrote to us, and has now officially endorsed Jill!

Because she knows what you know - that we must build a progressive social movement to counter both Donald Trump AND Hillary Clinton.

According to The Young Turks and the Washington Times, Ms. Sarandon said:

Theyre both (Trump and Clinton) talking to Henry Kissinger. She did not learn from Iraq, and she is an interventionist, and she has done horrible things - and very callously. I dont know if she is overcompensating or what her trip is. That scares me. I think well be in Iran in two seconds.

And that is exactly what Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka have been saying. And Dr. Cornel West. And Medea Benjamin. And Chris Hedges. And you. (Hey, you are in pretty good company).

Heres the letter from Ms. Sarandon to our campaign below.

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One week before whats shaping up to be an historic presidential election, Tavis Smiley on PBS will host a presidential forum featuring the third party candidates, Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

This forum will be taped live Monday, October 31, 2016, in the shows Los Angeles studio and air on Tavis Smiley over two nights next week on Monday evening and Tuesday, November 1 on PBS. An additional thirty (30) minute conversation, with questions selected entirely from social media will be available exclusively online at the Tavis Smiley PBS website.

Viewers may submit questions to the candidates via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the hashtags: #TavisSmileyForum, #AskJill or #AskGary.

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We offer the only alternative to a noxious buffoon on the one hand, and a representative of the corporate and military status quo on the other

Donald Trumps self-inflicted wounds and propensity for public meltdowns had pushed the public-opinion needle toward Hillary Clinton, according to recent polls. That may have changed a little in the aftermath of the FBIs renewing of its email probe last week. But even so, the fears of many voters that a Donald Trump presidency might become a reality have abated.

Those fears are not unfounded. Trumps failings as a candidate and a person are manifest, and he would be in a position to wreak considerable havoc if elected. Thats especially true at the agency level, with the judiciary and in other arenas where the president can wield executive power. The wildcard aspect of his personality poses risks that cant be predicted, nor can anyone know the degree to which congress would be inclined to obstruct or approve his most damaging initiatives.

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In 1854, a few thousand people gathered in Jackson, Michigan to launch an independent challenge to a national political system dominated by two parties. "Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements," a party leader later recalled, "we gathered from the four winds[with] every external circumstance against us." This challenge was fueled by the radical abolitionist movement that united white workers and formerly enslaved Africans against the criminal institution of slavery, as a response to the political crisis caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

In just two years, this insurgent third party created by movement activists had gained ground across the Northern states, challenging the Whig Party. In short order this insurgent "third party" had become a major opposition party. By 1858 they had won an influential foothold in Congress, and by 1860, that party leader Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States.

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Join with thousands of your neighbors to build the momentum for real change. Support Jill Stein's people-powered campaign today! Any amount you give will go to support the candidate who puts people, planet, and peace over profitevery time. DONATE

Jill Stein for President

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