Neurotechnology SDK’s | Developer tools for integrating …

Posted: October 17, 2016 at 1:26 am

Fulcrum is the long-time partner and an official Representative of Neurotechnology a world standard bearer in biometric technology research. Neurotechnology provides algorithms and software development kits (SDK's) for software developers and system integrators.

Drawing from years of academic research in the fields of neuroinformatics, image processing and pattern recognition, Neurotechnology was founded in 1990 in Vilnius, Lithuania under the name Neurotechnologija and released its first fingerprint identification system in 1991. Since that time the company has released more than 130 products and version upgrades for identification and verification of objects and personal identity software development products for biometric fingerprint, face, iris, voice and palm print recognition, computer-based vision and object recognition to security companies, system integrators and hardware manufacturers. More than 3,000 system integrators and sensor providers in more than 100 countries license and integrate company's technology into their own products. With millions of customer installations worldwide, Neurotechnology's products are used for both civil and forensic applications, including border crossings, criminal investigations, systems for voter registration, verification and duplication checking, passport issuance and other national-scale projects.

Their second tier offerings consist of a set of smaller single modality SDKs that handle fingerprint (VeriFinger), iris (VeriEye), face (VeriLook), or voice (VeriSpeak). These SDKs are perfect for commercial application developers who need to use only one type of biometric in order to accomplish their identification or authentication goals. All of the Neurotechnology offerings provide:

MegaMatcher technology is designed for large-scale AFIS and multi-biometric systems developers. The technology ensures high reliability and speed of biometric identification even when using large databases.

MegaMatcher is available as a software development kit that allows development of large-scale single- or multi-biometric fingerprint, iris, face, voice or palm print identification products for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms.

MegaMatcher Accelerator is a hardware/software solution that provides high speed, high volume biometric identification for national-scale projects. The Extended version is designed to run on server hardware and perform fast biometric template matching on the server-side of a large-scale AFIS or multi-modal system. TheStandard version and Development Edition are designed to be run on a common PC.

MegaMatcher Accelerator Extended, Standard and Development Edition software licenses are available for new and existing MegaMatcher Extended SDK customers.

VeriFinger is a fingerprint identification technology designed for biometric systems developers and integrators. The technology assures system performance with fast, reliable fingerprint matching in 1-to-1 and 1-to-many modes.

VeriFinger is available as a software development kit that allows development of stand-alone and Web-based solutions on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms.

VeriLook facial identification technology is designed for biometric systems developers and integrators. The technology assures system performance and reliability with live face detection, simultaneous multiple face recognition and fast face matching in 1-to-1 and 1-to-many modes.

VeriLook is available as a software development kit that allows development of stand-alone and Web-based solutions on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms.

SentiVeillance SDK is designed for developing software that performs biometric face identification and detects moving pedestrians or vehicles or other objects using live video streams from high-resolution digital surveillance cameras.

The SDK is used for passive identification when passers-by do not make any efforts to be recognized. List of possible uses includes law enforcement, security, attendance control, visitor counting, traffic monitoring and other commercial applications.

The VeriLook Surveillance SDK allows to create applications for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms.

VeriEye iris identification technology is designed for biometric systems developers and integrators. The technology includes many proprietary solutions that enable robust iris enrollment under various conditions and fast iris matching in 1-to-1 and 1-to-many modes.

VeriEye is available as a software development kit that allows development of stand-alone and Web-based solutions on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms.

VeriSpeak voice identification technology is designed for biometric system developers and integrators. The text-dependent speaker recognition algorithm assures system security by checking both voice and phrase authenticity. Voiceprint templates can be matched in 1-to-1 (verification) and 1-to-many (identification) modes.

VeriSpeak is available as a software development kit that enables the development of stand-alone and Web-based applications on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android platforms.

SentiSight is intended for developers who want to use computer vision-based object recognition in their applications. Through manual or fully automatic object learning it enables searching for learned objects in images from almost any camera, webcam, still picture or live video in an easy, yet versatile, way.

SentiSight is available as a software development kit that provides for the development of object recognition systems for Microsoft Windows or Linux platforms.

SentiSight Embedded is designed for developers who want to use computer vision-based object recognition in their applications for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Through manual or fully automatic object learning it enables searching for learned objects in images or videos from built-in cameras with PC-like accuracy.

SentiSight Embedded is available as a software development kit that provides for the development of object recognition applications for the devices that are running Android OS.

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Neurotechnology SDK's | Developer tools for integrating ...

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