Dietary supplements, Nutraceuticals, Functional foods …

Posted: October 6, 2016 at 2:51 pm

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Daily consumption of drinks containing caffeine could help in the fight against dementia, a new study has claimed.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will look at the safety of green tea catechins in a report that could confirm or clear up long-standing concerns over liver damage.

Litigation in the krill sphere continues to proliferate, with a new suit from Aker BioMarine againstChinese firm Luhua BioMarine.

Vitamin giant BASF is expanding its vitamin A production capacity by 1,500 metric tons to meet growing global demand for the micronutrient.

Kodo millet, an underutilised crop plant used as a staple food by Himalayan communities in India, may have wide-reaching potential for nutraceuticals and functional food products, research has discovered.

A low protein, high carbohydrate diet may be the most effective for stimulating a hormone with life-extending and obesity-fighting benefits in later life, new research suggests.

A single dose of Coromega Big Squeeze or Coromega Omega3 Squeeze produces significant increases in blood levels of the omega-3 EPA, says a new study that supports the bioavailability of the products.

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Dietary supplements, Nutraceuticals, Functional foods ...

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