Singularity – Mass Effect Wiki – Wikia

Posted: August 25, 2016 at 4:31 pm

Mass Effect Edit This gravitational power sucks multiple enemies within a radius to a single area, leaving them floating helplessly and vulnerable to attack. It can also attract objects from the environment, such as crates or pieces of furniture; enemies will take damage if they collide with other solid objects in the Singularity field. Talent Ranks Edit

These classes have access to the Singularity talent:

Note: This power travels in the direction of the cross-hair, arcing towards the target. Upon impact, it will create the Singularity. Liara's Singularity travels in a straight line, instantly creating a singularity at the targeted location.

Rank 4

Choose to evolve the power into one of the following,

Create a sphere of dark energy that traps and dangles enemies caught in its field.

Increase recharge speed by 25%.

Increase Singularity's hold duration by 20%. Increase impact radius by 20%.


Increase Singularity's hold duration by 30%. Additional enemies can be lifted before Singularity fades.


Increase impact radius by 25%.

Lift Damage

Inflict 20 damage per second to lifted targets.

Recharge Speed

Increase recharge speed by 30%.


Expand the Singularity field by 35% for 10 seconds.


Detonate Singularity when the field dies to inflict 300 damage across 5 meters.

Create a sphere of dark energy that traps and dangles enemies caught in its field.

Increase recharge speed by 25%.

Increase damage by 20%.


Increase Singularity's hold duration by 150%.


Increase impact radius by 35%.

Lift Damage

Inflict 50 damage per second to lifted targets.

Recharge Speed

Increase recharge speed by 35%.


Increase damage by 50%.


Detonate Singularity when the field dies to inflict 500 damage across 7 meters.


Singularity - Mass Effect Wiki - Wikia

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