Moon Colonization by Margaret Fitzgerald on Prezi

Posted: July 29, 2016 at 3:07 am

Moon Colonization Whose idea was it?

NASA came up with the idea of a colony of human life on the moon. In 1835, John Herschel said the moon was sustainable for human life. This later became known as the "Great Moon Hoax." Alan Wasser was the first to propose the idea of a human settlement on the moon. PROS One pro of moon colonization would be self sufficiency. It would test the human race to see how we would survive away from all our natural resources. Another pro of space colonization would be food transportation. Dehydrated food is cheap and would be a necessity for moon colonization. Hydroponic farming is also an option. It is efficient and would help with the water supply being limited on the moon. The idea of space colonization is making NASA and other space transporting companies very wealthy. Entrepreneurs are paying billions of dollars in stocks to try and get a spot in a private moon expedition. The very fist hotel said to be built on the moon will be a Hilton. CONS One con about landing a colony on the Moon would be the weather and terrain. The Moon has a rocky surface, but lunar dust storms are a large problem on the face of the Moon. The Moon also experiences extreme temperatures ranging from 224 degrees to -397 degrees Fahrenheit. Another con would be trying to govern a Moon colony. The Moon is not our home planet, therefore no one has claimed it and our government rules are not the same. Anyone who wanted to travel to the colony or take over the colony could. The colony could not be limited to a single nation power. The main problem with Moon colonization is the expense. It would be about $50,000 per human to send to the Moon. By 2030, we will have spent tens of billions of dollars if Moon colonization is successful. The Moon also provides very little chance of human survival due to the conditions of the planet. FUN FACTS One gallon of water costs $400,00 to send to the Moon. If we needed electricity, we could harvest it from the soil on the moon. Houses on the moon would be made of inflatable products that would protect us from lunar wind and dust storms. The US Air Force has planned to build a 21 man underground Lunar Air Force base on the moon. CITATIONS!

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