Atheism (religion) – Uncyclopedia – Wikia

Posted: July 18, 2016 at 3:31 pm

A gathering of topless, nipple-less Atheist women in Coney Island, New York, courtesy of National Geographic.

Atheism is the exciting belief in the non-existence of a non-deity's existence. Atheists main belief in life is that there are absolutely no absolutes. WHAT. One of the youngest and least recorded religions, Atheism stands out for its lack of scriptures, rituals, prophets, and other sacred paraphernalia. Atheism had become increasingly popular in the 21st Century and its popularity was projected to grow steadily as we approach the Apocalypse. Since the Apocalypse already happened (See: George W. Bush), it is said that the reign of atheists is now over... or is it...?

According to a 1998 scientological study conducted by the independent company Loyal Servants of Our Lady of the Weeping Misery of the Holy Mother of God and Friends, Atheism is more widespread than any other modern cult, including Catholicism. The study claimed that "they hath broughte a pox unto His land, and doth spreadst theire Vampyre seed amongst both schoolchild and man of Politick, hairdresser and window-dresser alike." In a three-part expos, National Geographic reported that "Atheism is spreading in more than just a so-so way throughout God's land, gaining followers in countries as diverse as Easter Island and Africa."

In recent times, the cult has been the subject of heated controversy. Government sources have shown links between Atheism and homosexuality, pedophilia, and communism. Communities throughout the world have expressed a growing concern as an increasing number of role models such as Mike Tyson and Pat Robertson are exposed as practicing Atheists. The first prominent religious figure to address the Atheist Problem was Christian spokesman George W. Bush, who described Atheists as "a real threat in America, including to the rest of the world", and attributed the danger of Atheism to the fact that "you can't really tell them apart from regular folk. They're so hidden, so undercover, you could say they're almost indivisible."

After decades of receiving little to no attention from Acadaemia, Atheism has finally caught the interest of modern archaeologists, who have deemed Atheism boring enough to be worthy of prolonged study.

Reginald Wharton III at his 50th birthday party in Staten Island.

Wharton, struck by lightning while throwing rocks at children in Central Park, left virtually no documentation of his religious ideology: his only remaining belongings were two packets of ketchup and some illegible scribbles on a Burger King receipt. Wharton is said to have been cremated in Gunfire Creek, New Jersey, though neighbors claim his body was buried "somewhere out west". This allegation is further confused by the testimony of Geraldine Chan, Wharton's personal seamstress and joint proprietor of Hunan Happy Cleaner, Inc., who claimed in a 1974 interview that "Me no know him well, but pretty sure he bring two stained shirt and golf-style pants the Wednesday after police say he dead, so me no know much if report was right. But me think he a Atheist, ha ha."

Further doubt about Wharton's death was cast by the 1977 testimony of California grave robbers Pedro Antonio Lopez-Gonzalez-Torres and Juan Generico Perez-Caramba, who were apprehended in Amarillo, Texas for urinating on private property. While under police custody, they confessed, among other things, to have opened Wharton's casket a few months before their arrest, only to find "no bodily remains -- just a couple of packets of ketchup, and a pillar of salt".

Lopez-Gonzalez-Torres' and Perez-Caramba's testimony was dismissed as unconstitutional by the Armadillo County District Court of Appelations upon the discovery that their confessions had been extracted at gunpoint by police officer Rodney King, who made Lopez-Gonzalez-Torres confess to several crimes, including the murder of John F. Kennedy. However, the charges against the police department were dropped when the Armadillo County Bureau of Infinite Justice showed Lopez-Gonzalez-Torres and Perez-Caramba to be Russian illegal aliens, thereby rendering their testimony void and bringing to doubt their belief in Christ.

No further testimony was obtained from L-G-T and P-C, who were promptly executed by firing squad in the summer of 1978, shortly before the Armadillo County Court of Counter Appeals found them to be innocent.

Most Atheists deny that Wharton ever existed, citing insufficient tangible evidence.

Chomsky (upper left, in a bath robe) gets another lecture from a burning piece of shrubbery.

Chomsky, a staunch Atheist, categorically denied the existence of God and stubbornly refused to acknowledge any sort of supernatural event, despite having been reputedly approached by talking, spontaneously-combusting specimens of plant life on at least five different occasions in the summer of 1967 (the so-called Summer of Love), and various other times in the years following. After encountering a talking serpent during a hiking trip in downtown London, he wrote in his only surviving journal: "'Twas the freakiest thing I ever did see, a fluke of Evolution, or perhaps a side-effect of bodily fatigue, yet not unlike in its wonder to the burning sculpture of the Virgin that confronted me last week during my visit to the Aquarium. Nature is indeed a remarkable force."

Plagued by apparitions, Chomsky died of natural causes after being attacked by a flock of ravens while repairing the hot water heater in the basement of his beach house in Cancun, Mexico.

Atheist opinion of Chomsky is divided: many say there was no such man, or if there was, that there was nothing special about him, while other Atheists simply don't care.

Atheists believe in a Goddess, named Athe, however, they believe that she doesn't exist. Atheists live by the Atheist motto "No God, nowhere, regardless, period except for the Flying Spaghetti Monster of course.", though most choose to state this view using completely different wording. When confronted with questions regarding the Creation of Man, most Atheists adhere to the fundamentalist theories provided by their gods only son Richard Dawkins, who claims that the Earth was created accidentally by the Flaying Spaghetti Monster an un-supernatural huge random super-explosion called the Big Bang Meat Ball. The Big Bang Meat ball theory states clearly that this explosion was brought about by The Flaying Spaghetti Monster, who doesn't exist of course. Modern archaeologists dismiss this theory as "preposterous and unamerican."

A few Atheists, however, have expressed different yet equally shocking beliefs. Celebrity boxer and amateur theologian Mike Tyson, for example, said in an interview with Oprah that many Atheists do in fact believe in the story of Richard Dawkins, "so long as God isn't involved." Tyson is notable in that he is not only an Atheist, but also an Athlete.

The Atheists doctrine also known as the Richard Dawkins doctrine also know as the commandments of the Flaying Spaghetti Monster states

Many Atheists believe it's important that Richard Dawkins doctrine is of absolute importance. Atheists worship their God, "Flaying Spaghetti Monster", and their Gods only son Richard Dawkins.

There are far fewer Atheist churches than those of their God-fearing counterparts. As of this writing, the African American Commission of Atheist Churches in America and its Colonies (rarely referred to as the double-A.C, A.C., A.C) has reported the count of modern Atheist churches in the Industrialized World to be exactly zero.

The Atheist God, also known as mudkip.

France is one, so is Russia and all of Eastern Europe (Soviet bloc), a few Scandinavian countries and pretty much the whole European continent. Atheism is catching up in Canada, Australia and Japan, any other free democratic industrial/developed country except America.

An typical Atheist tourist.

On weekends, Atheists often partake in rituals such as shopping, catching up with chores, and sitting around. These practices are often conducted in Athletic Wear, notably sweat pants, especially in South America. The question of circumcision is highly disputed among Atheist sects, and its practice varies widely depending on how convincing the surgeon was and whether the parents can afford it.

An Atheist (who wishes to remain anonymous) vacationing topless in the Amazon Jungle.

Though casual Atheists are virtually indistinguishable from God's people in terms of their appearance, the more active cult members (orthodox atheists), particularly those who practice tourism, show a predilection for topless nudity. These topless travelers tend to stay away from popular vacation hot-spots, and prefer to make pilgrimages to less-frequented haunts such as the Amazon Jungle or Canada.

Aguilera gives a motivational lecture at an Atheist fundraiser

Normal folk are sometimes confused by Atheists who paradoxically wear religious emblems like the crucifix or the American flag. While some Atheists do in fact wear crucifixes, they normally do so for purely sacrilegious purposes and in acknowledgement of other Atheists such as Marilyn Manson and Christina Aguilera, as opposed to the more ceremonial use of the crucifix by pop celebrities such as the Pope and David Beckham.

In 1982, the government-sponsored shockumentary An Unbiased View of Those on the Wrong Path declared Atheism to be "a disturbingly well-organized religious cult, with congregations and priests that mimic and mock those of our good people." The renowned documentary's most shocking scene showed a religious ceremony lead by a priest in a Lacrosse shirt and bell-bottoms mumbling words in an obscure tongue to an audience of naked prepubescent children. The scene was shot in what appeared to be a dreary, dark cellar. The documentary caused an uproar throughout the world that lead to the U.S. invasion of several Central American countries.

In the 1990s, however, a shockumentary by the Discovery Channel showed An Unbiased View to have used questionable methods of reporting that were a possible breach of the rules of journalism set forth by the Geneva Convention. The Discovery Channel hired prominent scientologists, most of whom were translators, to show that the previous documentary was nothing but a misunderstanding. The supposed gathering in a gloomy, dark basement was in fact filmed during daylight hours in a park in Sweden. Further scrutiny displayed that the obscure tongue spoken by the High Priest was actually Swedish, and that the alleged naked cultists were nothing more than Scandinavian children on a nudist field trip. Shortly after this discovery, U.S. Religious Leader George Bush Senior issued a formal apology to the government of Nicaragua, "even though you have to admit you're better off than before the invasion", and proceeded to bomb Iraq instead, out of principle.

An Atheist demonstration gets out of hand.

The treatment of Atheist suspects varies among the Muslim countries. In less tolerant nations such as Saudi Arabia, Atheism is punishable by flogging or decapitation, depending on how devout the suspect is, whereas in more lenient, progressive nations such as Syria, Atheism is largely overlooked when the suspects are male, but is punished by publicly urinating on the perpetrator and then stoning her to death in the case of a female suspect.

In Singapore punishment ranges from a two thousand dollar fine to death by electric chair, a policy similar to that of the state of Texas in the U.S. They began to ponder the use of ovens and gas showers.

But the left-leaning state of California prides itself as a religious colony for persecuted atheists, along with Gays, scientologists and Marxists seem to congregate in San Francisco.

Atheism (religion) - Uncyclopedia - Wikia

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