Human DNA not patentable: US Supreme Court

Posted: June 14, 2013 at 12:45 am

The US Supreme Court has issued a potentially far-reaching ruling, stating that DNA in the human genome is a "product of nature" that cannot be patented.

The nine-member court's unanimous finding on Thursday overturns exclusive rights to use genes that have been issued in recent decades by the US Patent and Trademark Office, but does allow companies to patent their developments of synthetic, so-called composite DNA.

Justice Clarence Thomas, author of the decision, wrote: "A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent-eligible merely because it has been isolated."

However, he went on to write that composite DNA "is patent-eligible because it is not naturally occurring."

The decision strikes down patents issued to Myriad Genetics Inc, which had isolated a rare gene associated with very high rates of breast and ovarian cancer in women who carry the mutation. The company had claimed the exclusive right to offer tests for the gene, based on its patent.

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, whose mother died of ovarian cancer, announced last month that she had undergone a double mastectomy after the Myriad test showed that she carried the gene.

Her case illustrated how personal genomics are changing health care.

The US Patent Act authorises patents for the invention or discovery of "any new and useful ... composition of matter," but not "laws of nature, natural phenomena and abstract ideas."

Thomas wrote that patent protection "strikes a delicate balance" to create incentives for discovery without impeding the exchange of information that fuels invention.

Myriad found the location of the cancer-linked gene but "did not create or alter" the information or structure of those DNA segments, the court said.

Read more:
Human DNA not patentable: US Supreme Court

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