Living in Freedom Every Day

Posted: May 31, 2016 at 1:42 am

Freedom (LIFE) groups are based on a small group Bible study followed by a conference experience that is designed to help believers move from the experience of salvation to the abundant life that Jesus desires for them. The mission of Freedom (LIFE) groups is to equip participants to remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in the true freedom provided through the work of the cross.

The 12-week course focuses on six areas of personal growth:

Gods desire for us was never the life of pursuing dead religion. His heart for us is that we would know Him personally through the Tree of Life and ultimately know our true identity as children of the King.

The Spirit-led life that the Bible talks about eludes many of us. In Freedom (LIFE) groups we learn to understand the principle of spiritual order. Feeding our spirit over our emotions and flesh is the key to walking in the Spirit.

God calls us to be a people whose love for Him supersedes all other desires and goals. He must be Lord of our lives so that we may grow in our purpose, live a life of forgiveness, and receive His blessings.

The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. By learning to speak words of life that line up with Gods Word, we have the power to change our environment and break the power of the enemys words off our life.

God has a unique plan and purpose for each of us. Our enemys goal is to keep us from realizing that purpose, but we have the authority in Jesus to overcome sin and the enemys schemes to walk in victory and live a life of purity thats full of purpose.

Jesus said a time was coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. The ultimate purpose we were all created for is to worship the King. A Spirit-led life of purity and surrender produces a heart for worship.

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Living in Freedom Every Day

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