The NSA – The Super Secret National Security Agency

Posted: May 7, 2016 at 3:47 am

- A Tale of Two Countries - New Zealand Apologizes for Illegal Domestic Spying, While U.S. Still Refuses to Acknowledge NSAs...

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- Creation of The NSA - from 'The Secret Government - Origin, Identity and Purpose of MJ-12'

- DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Main File

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- Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube, Facebook and Blogs

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- Google to Enlist NSA to Help It Ward Off Cyber-Attacks

- Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You from 164 Feet Away

- High-Level U.S. Government Officials Have Warned for 40 Years that Mass Surveillance Would Lead to Tyranny...

- How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA Spy Grid...

- How International Treaties Gave NSA Back-Door Access for Surveillance

- How NSA Access Was Built into Windows

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- Key to The Extraterrestrial Messages - NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1

- La NSA Particip en El Desarrollo de Windows 7

- La Red Echelon - Main File

- Lawless NSA Global Spying

-Mat la NSA a Hugo Chvez?

- NSA Able to Target Offline Computers Using Radio-Waves for Surveillance, Cyber-Attacks

- NSA Boss Wants More Control Over The Internet

- NSA Built Back Door in All Windows Software by 1999

- NSA Claims Massive New Surveillance Powers

- NSA Director Defends Plan to Maintain 'Backdoors' Into Technology Companies

- NSA Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens

- NSA, GCHQ Using Data from 'Leaky' Smartphone Apps to Spy

- NSA has Built its Own, Secret, Warrantless, Shadow Social Network, and You've Already Joined It

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- NSA 'Helping' Microsoft With Windows 7 'Security'

- NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo and Google Data Centers Worldwide - Snowden Documents Say

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- NSA Recent UFO Document Release More Interesting for What It "Could" Not Find

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- NSAs Computer and Mobile Spying - An Interview with Professor Tung Yin

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- NSA Secretly Exploited Devastating Heartbleed Bug for Years - Report

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- NSA Took Part in The Development of Windows 7

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The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency

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