– Helping you stay Safe in the World of …

Posted: March 20, 2016 at 12:45 pm "Don't trust us?" Er, no we don't actually. All ponzi's are scams. 3/19/16 They do like a different theme for these hyips, here's another one. 3/19/16 Dirty deeds done cheap. Freehosted fraud. 3/19/16 A doubler fraud using this domain was inevitable. 3/19/16 A very worn out style of hyip scam. 3/16/16 Instantgenuineloseyour.bitcoin 3/16/16 What have we told you about btc multipliers? They are ALL scams and there are NO exceptions. 3/15/16 Another hyip/fraud to add. 3/15/16 Just another ponzi fraud. 3/15/16

Ads by Google Yet another fake mining scheme. There are no special algorythms, just a ponzi. 3/15/16 If you want btc shares, buy some btc, then you have a share. Simple. 3/15/16 These may be the most expensive free shares you've ever (never) received. 3/15/16 But seriously, hyips are scams - pure and simple frauds, so this site takes the biscuit. 3/15/16 I'm starting to get double vision - probably the safest way to double my wealth. 3/12/16 Yet another attempt at a scam doubler. 3/12/16 If these serial thieves had any sense, they'd stay away from bitcoin, then we wouldn't bother them. 3/10/16 Don't let this hyip/fraud fool you. Just lies and more lies. 3/10/16 What an odd site title, and that is the best part. 3/8/16 This scam looks like it was put together by an idiot, but we'd better list it in case a bigger idiot sees it. 3/7/16 Only in your dreams does bitcoin double. 3/7/16 Boom, and your bits are gone. If Cillit did bitcoin scams.... 3/7/16 The old worn out 'flaw in the blockchain' better known as the Bitatt scam. 3/7/16 A hyip/scam from the usual offenders. 3/6/16 Just another faker after your dosh. 3/6/16 Don't risk it. You don't need to, there are plenty of legit exchanges 3/6/16 Or Ex-bitcoin? 3/3/16 Don't download that malware from these crooks. You will sorely regret it, Gen:Variant.Strictor.101663 3/3/16 He's a busy boy is young Tim, avoiding Jail. 3/3/16 Seriously, does anybody still fall for these multiplier scams? 3/3/16 If you want a fast curry, order one from your local takeaway. Dodgy doesn't even begin to describe this amateur fraudster. 3/3/16 & A free Cuckoo Clock for every sucker. 3/3/16 & 2/18/16 Your bitcoin may as well be slush if you send it to this faker. 3/1/16 Another hyip/fraud 3/1/16

These are just the most recent badsites. Click below for these and more Cryptocurrency badsites In alphabetical order.

** Important Announcement** The wife of our admin has just undergone a double organ transplant, and so updates and personal responses to emails will be a little erratic for a few weeks. Please bear with us during this unusual but amazing time. Thanks.

The Badbitcoin project was launched in Feb 2014. "The Badbitcoin Team" is made up of volunteers worldwide, and we welcome new contributors and sponsors.

You may read negative comments about this project, but this is the scammers only route to fight back, and a great many of these scammers are the same people who are Senior, and Gold members of forums. Forums relating to bitcoin are the best source of conflicting information ever invented, which is why we keep it plain and simple, we tell you it's a badsite, and thats all you need to know.

It's really easy to misunderstand the bitcoin environment when it's all new to you, and it will take you some time to grasp some of the rules and concepts. This leaves you vulnerable to the swathes of scams and ponzis that try to lure you into their promises of easy money, and doubling or even 100 times multiplying your new 'Magic Internet Money' It doesn't work like that. It isn't magic, it's just very efficient, very secure, and much sought after by thieves the world over. If you have bitcoin, you need to learn to look after it, or these crooks will soon take it from you.

Don't make it easy for them. Contribute by reporting suspect sites when you find them, and we'll do the rest. You can also help by donating bitcoin or litecoin to the project, and If you run a website or blog, you could add a link to this project and help spread the message. We have banners and logos to suit.

That's it - nothing to add, nada.

To report Internet Fraud to IC3 - Click Here To report Internet Fraud to the FBI anonymously - Click Here To report Internet Fraud to the UK Police - Click Here

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You can help us to help others by making a donation to this project. However modest, it will help us to continue. We spend nearly all of the donations on advertising in the same space as the scamsites, so we can reach and warn the most users. We also use some expensive investigation tools, but we all give our time for free.

A Ponzi is any scheme which pays interest to "Investors" from Bitcoin coming in from new Investors. A HYIP (high yield investment program) is just a Ponzi. All Ponzi/Hyips will fail The later Investors will lose everything when the scheme folds and leaves with the Bitcoin. Most HYIPS just steal it immediately - Due diligence is your own responsibility. There are plenty of good sites out there where your Bitcoin and your work are safe. You just need to do your homework, including checking here. If it isn't in our Badlist, email us, and we'll check it and get back to you.

Heres the psychology behind the typical ponzis & HYIP's run by the professional scammers. They know most people will do this.

You deposit a small amount, you want to be cautious, you cant quite figure out how they do this but they double it (or pay promised interest) and pay you. You think Ah thats great, so you either redeposit the entire amount, or just your profit. You get that back and think wow, it works, so you deposit a much larger amount and in the worst case, even get your friends involved in this wonderful money making scheme.

Then one day it doesnt get returned there is some issue with your account, or your withdrawal is stuck or something similar, so you keep emailing the site and gradually it dawns on you that youve been scammed.

Even if you just put your initial profit back in, the conman hasnt lost anything and the depositors who think they are playing the ponzi do try that, and most of them dont get it back either.

Some people empty their savings into these scams, and they are the ones the scammers are really after. Once they get that big depositor, they move on and create a new ponzi, just leaving the old one alive for a while to mop up any new mugs Some even return after a 3 or 6 month absence to catch a fresh load of hits, they will never run out of victims. Its what they do, and they are expert at it.

Declaration of Interests. We c
urrently have personal and project investments in VIP and Mining shares at, and mining shares at Hashnest We would not invest in anything we considered to be a Ponzi or Scam. As a project, we are not directly funded by any organisation and depend on ad revenue, our own, and other donations, and our external investments. We also provide links including referral links to trusted 3rd party sites, not including advertisements beyond our control. Updated August 2015 PS - As a friendly tip, we probably aren't the people to generally ask about good bitcoin investments. We are pretty good at what we do, but so far, like yourselves no doubt, we aren't really that succesful when it comes to our own investments. Mintsy being our latest fail.

The high costs of running this site are helped by adverts. We also have to advertise in the same places as the scamsites. We have little control over the content, and consequently we do not directly endorse any advert. Some adverts will even appear in our Badlist. But at least the Bitcoin they spend on ads is coming back into the Bitcoin Industry.

Footnote. The evolution of society beyond the demise of the failed capitalist neo-liberal experiment, first needs the evolution of it's means of trade and exchange. The current financial system, and system of fiat currency, is not fit for present or future purpose, and for all intents and purposes is already obsolete. Bitcoin is our first financial step towards a fairer, more benefecial society for all. Bitcoin is incorruptible, decentralised, concensus led, and above the influence of conventional politics and economics. A parallel currency with which you can begin to trade, and no middleman to take their slice or to gamble with your asset. When you deposit money to a Bank, it becomes the Banks property to do with what they choose, bitcoin is different, and you are your own Bank. It is up to you to take care of your bitcoin, and also to use it, not hoard it, and to be an important part of helping to build this fair and open global society. Bitcoin is worth what somebody is prepared to exchange it for, be that USD, Yuan, PC-hardware, Webhosting or anything that 'money' might buy. You can even get a bitcoin Debit Card. However, the bitcoin Blockchain, and it's potential is a much much bigger subject.

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