Campaign group reveals child suspect DNA figures

Posted: May 19, 2013 at 7:47 pm

Campaign group reveals child suspect DNA figures

12:10am Monday 20th May 2013 in News

Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform

DORSET Police take DNA samples from an average of seven children every week, figures released today reveal.

Penal reform charity the Howard League have published figures showing that 355 boys and girls aged 17 or under had swabs taken from them in 2011.

Three of the children were aged 10 and 11.

Chief executive of the charity Frances Crook said many of the children were having their DNA taken needlessly.

She said: When public money is tight and police forces are shrinking, it is disappointing to see valuable crime-fighting resources being wasted on taking DNA samples from thousands of innocent children while serious offences go undetected.

Children who get into trouble with the police are usually just up to mischief.

Treating so many like hardened criminals by taking their DNA seems excessive.

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Campaign group reveals child suspect DNA figures

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