Meet Thomas Vanhercke: innovating with passion – CSIRO

Posted: July 15, 2024 at 10:33 pm

By James Chesters 16 July 2024 4 min read

Senior scientist Thomas Vanhercke didnt plan his career as much as he could have. When he was growing up, he followed his passion instead.

"In science you must be driven by passion, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and lots of patience, Thomas says.

People always say to follow your heart. It might seem trivial, but its very important.

Following his passion has made Thomas who he is today. His passion for genetics started in high school. Then, he pursued a MSc and PhD in Bioengineering at Ghent University the birthplace of plant genetic engineering.Thomas was intrigued by how genetic research can be applied in agriculture.

Today, Thomas passion and skills make him an expert in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. This involves genetically engineering microbes and plants to produce specific ingredients and molecules.Thomas leads teams tackling some of the biggest hurdles in food and agriculture.

Thomas Vanhercke currently leads our Synthetic Traits group, overseeing novel protein production research for our Future Protein mission.

Our agricultural and food systems face some serious challenges. From adapting to a changing climate to shifting towards more sustainable practices, Thomas says.

By 2050, the global population will reach 9.7 billion . This will cause the worlds annual demand for protein to almost double. With no more land available for grazing cattle, our current ways of producing protein cant meet future demand.

Malnutrition also remains one of the worlds greatest challenges. Even if food is readily available, people are often undernourished. This is from diets lacking in micronutrients like iron and zinc.

But Thomas is fascinated with how genetic engineering can unlock solutions to agricultural challenges. He sees opportunities where others see problems.

Our Future Protein research brings together expertise from many scientific disciplines and sectors. Were here to tackle the challenges ahead through a coordinated and sustained effort.

Thomas oversees novel protein production research for our Future Protein purpose-led innovation initiative. This means harnessing the potential in existing food streams to produce high-value ingredients.

Technologies like precision fermentation and molecular farming sound futuristic. But they help complement traditional food systems, such as livestock and broadacre crops.

Our scientists use precision fermentation and molecular farming to engineer microbes and plants. Theyre cooking up specific, customised molecules to serve as new ingredients. These will enhance the taste, texture, colour or mouthfeel of our foods.

This process has a long and safe history in supplementing and diversifying our foods. Technological advances have brought down the cost of precision fermentation. So now were using it to create new, high-value food products.

Were not just improving the consumer experience. Precision fermentation can create ingredients that address other concerns such as sustainability, nutrition, or animal welfare, Thomas says.

Red meat, dairy, and seafood are here to stay. These animal-based proteins will continue playing a vital role in human diets globally.

Proteins made through precision fermentation using ingredients like yeast complement animal-based sources. Theyll help us meet growing demand, without sacrificing on quality. This holistic approach offers more protein choices to suit individual dietary, nutritional and taste preferences.

Were not just improving the consumer experience. Precision fermentation can create ingredients that address other concerns such as sustainability, nutrition, or animal welfare, Thomas says.

Thomas says were starting to see lot of activity and investment in this space. This includes developing hybrid food products that combine animal-, plant- and fermentation-derived ingredients.

I think the next exciting frontier will be the boundaries between different food production systems. For example, making sure that no food byproducts go to waste, he says.

Thomas also heads up our Synthetic Traits research, applying engineering principles to plants. Their successes include developing the science for canola crops with high levels of healthy omega-3 oils.

Synthetic biology applies engineering principles to biology. In other words, creating solutions from natures building blocks.

For example, Thomas and his team are working on new crops that can convert their own nitrogen for growth. This will help farmers to use less nitrogen fertiliser which impacts the environment while still growing enough food.

Thomas is clear that great science needs diversity. He believes that innovation relies on people with different knowledge and skills coming together. This diversity could range from technical expertise to research infrastructure. It incorporates business development and intellectual property knowledge, as well as delving into market trends.

No one can do everything by themselves, we each stand on the shoulders of many others, Thomas says.

Diversity of knowledge, experience, and thought are critical, he says.

Thomas has big ideas about how to inspire the next generation of scientists. He believes role models, mentoring, and a strong science curriculum are all important.

I encountered several inspiring people along the way who have gently helped me in stepping outside my comfort zones and have pushed me in the right direction, Thomas says.

Hopefully I am continuing their example by inspiring others around me.

Since taking on more responsibilities as a leader, Thomas doesnt get to spend as much time in the lab. Sometimes wearing a white coat can feel odd. But he takes satisfaction in mentoring others and seeing the excitement when a great result comes in.

Thomas doesnt hesitate when asked what he enjoys most about his work.

I love collaborating with colleagues from diverse science backgrounds when developing new ideas. And thinking about the next frontier in research innovation and impact. That is really the coolest part of my job, he says.

Read the rest here:
Meet Thomas Vanhercke: innovating with passion - CSIRO

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