POEM: Are the Liberals doomed? – Independent Australia

Posted: April 30, 2023 at 11:41 pm


We live in a land

Where the Liberal brand

Is now toxic beyond all redemption.

But they might stand a chance

If they'd just cast a glance

At the option of group introspection.

For no leadership change

Or attempts to exchange

Their image for something electable,

Will turn voters' minds

From their multiple crimes;

Thousands dead at their hands deemed detestable.

And there is no way back

For the Liberal hacks

Who would lurch further Right,

Far away from the light to where demons give fright

That will only result in more failure.

'cause that GOP schtick

With attached MAGA hicks

Is not gonna work in Australia.

Are the Liberals doomed?

We can only assume

That there's no moral change

Coming anytime soon,

While they cling to collective delirium.

We can only but hope

They'll take Barney the dope

On their slide down the slope to oblivion.

Ann Meharg loves the English language (which is just as well because she can speak no other), loves to make people laugh and loves writing verse when inspired.

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See the original post here:

POEM: Are the Liberals doomed? - Independent Australia