IFrame API | Jitsi Meet – GitHub Pages

Posted: November 25, 2022 at 5:12 am

Embedding the Jitsi Meet API into your site or app enables you to host and provide secure video meetings with your colleagues, teams, and stakeholders. The Meet API provides a full complement of comprehensive meeting features.

Your Jitsi meetings can be hosted and attended using any device while keeping your data and privacy protected. You can reach your meeting participants anywhere in the world eliminating the need for travel and the associated inconvenience.

The IFrame API enables you to embed Jitsi Meet functionality into your meeting application so you can experience the full functionality of the globally distributed and highly available deployment available with meet.jit.si.

You can also embed and integrate the globally distributed and highly available deployment on the meet.jit.si platform itself.

JaaS customers, please make sure you also read this!

If you use React in your web application you might want to use our React SDK instead.

To enable the Jitsi Meet API in your application you must use one of the following JavaScript (JS) Jitsi Meet API library scripts and integrate it into your application:

For self-hosting in your domain:


The iframe API works on mobile browsers the same way as it does on desktop browsers.

In order to open meetings with the Jitsi Meet app you can use our custom URL scheme as follows:

(let's assume the meeting is https://meet.jit.si/test123)

This works with custom servers too, just replace meet.jit.si with your custom server URL.

After you have integrated the Meet API library, you must then create the Jitsi Meet API object.

The Meet API object takes the following form:

api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options)

The API object constructor uses the following options:

domain: The domain used to build the conference URL (e.g., meet.jit.si).

options: The object with properties.

Optional arguments include:

roomName: The name of the room to join.

width: The created IFrame width.

The width argument has the following characteristics:

A numerical value indicates the width in pixel units.

If a string is specified the format is a number followed by px, em, pt, or %.

height: The height for the created IFrame.

The height argument has the following characteristics:

A numerical value indicates the height in pixel units.

If a string is specified the format is a number followed by px, em, pt, or %.

parentNode: The HTML DOM Element where the IFrame is added as a child.

configOverwrite: The JS object with overrides for options defined in the config.js file.

interfaceConfigOverwrite: The JS object with overrides for options defined in the interface_config.js file.

jwt: The JWT token.

onload: The IFrame onload event handler.

invitees: Object arrays that contain information about participants invited to a call.

devices: Information map about the devices used in a call.

userInfo: The JS object that contains information about the participant starting the meeting (e.g., email).

lang: The default meeting language.

For example:

You can set the initial media devices for the call using the following:

You can override options set in the config.js file and the interface_config.js file using the configOverwrite and interfaceConfigOverwrite objects, respectively.

For example:

To pass a JWT token to Jitsi Meet use the following:

You can set the userInfo (e.g., email, display name) for the call using the following:

Configuring the tile view:

You can configure the maximum number of columns in the tile view by overriding the TILE_VIEW_MAX_COLUMNS property from the interface_config.js file via the interfaceConfigOverwrite object:

TILE_VIEW_MAX_COLUMNS accepts values from 1 to 5. The default value is 5.

All functions are documented here now.

All commands are documented here now.

All events are documented here now.

Read this article:
IFrame API | Jitsi Meet - GitHub Pages

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