There are 100 times more migrants crossing the Channel than in 2018 so why wont government accept its a… – The US Sun

Posted: August 30, 2022 at 11:34 pm

WHEN is a crisis not a crisis? When it involves migrants illegally crossing the English Channel, apparently.

It is now four years since our then Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, declared the boatloads of illegal migrants crossing the channel to be a major incident.



That year in 2018 from January to November at least 250 migrants were found crossing the Channel illegally. In the December, the situation was so serious that Javid cut short his holidays to do the usual political trick of looking at the water and getting photographed doing so. Which doesnt always solve the problem.

Well, fast forward to today and 250 people is now not even an average days crossing.

In 2022 so far, that figure is already a lot higher.

How much higher? Twice as high? Ten times? No, the figures for 2022 already are at least 100 times higher than that major incident figure from 2018.

As The Sun reported last week, the figures for 2022 to date are over 25,000.

In a single day last week, a record 1,300 people crossed the Channel illegally.

And I would say that is a crisis, wouldnt you? When the figures are 100 times that of a major incident? Yet there seems to be no sense in Westminster of this, and even less of a desire to do anything about it.

In part this is because of the lies about what is actually going on.

Various campaigning groups and left-wing politicians like to pretend that the people arriving are all fleeing the most miserable circumstances.

Their lives may well be worse than those of many people who are living in the UK legally. But they are not fleeing a war zone. They are fleeing France. It may be France is not the most hospitable country for migrants, but nor is it a hellhole.

By the international conventions that are in place, the migrants should have absolutely no business crossing the Channel. They are meant to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach in Europe, where their claim is then meant to be processed.

In reality, none of this happens. The European migrant system is so broken that people who come into Europe illegally are not processed and are then allowed to go anywhere in the continent including heading to northern France and trying to get a boat across to Britain.

The Europeans tolerate this because they are experts at pushing problems away. The Greeks push the problems on to the rest of Europe. So do the Italians.


And while their streets are testament to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have settled in these countries illegally, for these countries the more people keep moving north the better.

Yet it is a lie to pretend that Britain is the only safe haven for these people. In order to get here the migrants must have gone through at least two perfectly safe countries.

Another lie that the Left tells about this crisis is that all of the arrivals are asylum seekers. In fact, as I have found on my own travels across the migrant camps on the continent, the vast majority of people are in fact economic migrants.

When the open-borders people even nod to this they tend to then say that economic deprivation is just as terrible as war. If that is the case then we better get ready. Because it means almost everyone in Africa, the Middle East and the Far East should have the right to illegally enter the UK.

But worst is the way in which the whole line between legal and illegal migration is made a mockery.

Those who tolerate the Channel crossings end up presenting the difference between these two things as being of little account. OK, some people come to the country legally, but others come by paying smuggling gangs and arriving by boat. Why should we be so obsessed about the difference?

Because the difference is the law. What is happening on the Kent coastline is law-breaking on an unbelievable scale.

Would we tolerate the line being broken on the law when it comes to other crimes? Burglary, rape, arson or murder for instance? Would we agree that there are times when it is justified and times when it is not? Of course not. Because that is why we have laws. To make it clear that there are some things that our country will not tolerate.

When it comes to borders, however, it seems that mass law breaking is allowed. And not just allowed, but encouraged.

Our border force and others actually meet the migrants at sea to help them to Britain more safely. Our agencies at home put the migrants up at hotels and make sure they have everything they need.

Yet while nobody should be treated inhumanely, nor should people be rewarded for breaking the law. If you dont respect the law then why should the country show such respect to you?

Since the major incident of 2018 we have had pronouncements, tough talk and thwarted policies. But one fact cannot be ignored.

That under this government things have got so much worse. I do not doubt that a Labour government would encourage a worse situation still.

But the blame now is on this government. Remember Take Back Control? It is high time this government did.

I FEEL sorry for Prince Harry. He really turned his life around a few years ago.

After some wasted years in nightclubs, he got it together, joined the Army, served in Afghanistan and was admired by the public.


He would have had a great life and been a great asset to the Royal Family and this country.

Now he is in exile in California, giving the odd interview, dissing his family and otherwise doing what exactly?

In a new interview, his wife Meghan has revealed that Harry spends most of his time doing DIY around the house, helping neighbours with their sprinkler systems and fixing pipes in the couples LA mansion.

Thats quite a fall-off from Prince to DIY man.

Nothing wrong with DIY, of course. We all have to do it sometimes.

Perhaps Harry is one of those husbands who just really loves a spot of DIY.

But I cant help thinking that a day will come when he is going to regret his move.

FORMER US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned America is now at increased risk of a 9/11-style attack since leaving Afghanistan last year.

The botched withdrawal handed the country back to the Taliban after 20 years.

Meanwhile, supporters of extreme cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have been storming Iraqs parliament building.

Al-Sadr was an enemy of Britain and America after the 2003 war.Are there any lessons to learn from this?

Yes to be limited in our ambitions on the world stage. Strike hard and take out enemies where we can.

But whatever its dreams, America clearly does not want to govern these countries, stay in them, or run an empire.

If you dont want to do the long haul, better to have limited aims. Mission creep is real.

POP star Lizzo accepted an MTV VMA award the other night.

On stage, the Good As Hell singer seemed to want to make herself the centre not just of attention, but of American democracy.


Thanking fans for their backing, she said that voting means everything. It means everything to making a change in this country.I assume she was aware fans were voting on the award of Music video for good, not for President of the United States. She went on to call on fans to vote to make changes to laws that are oppressing us.

Strange. Lizzo does not come across as oppressed.

In fact, she comes across as very entitled.

Such as with her strutting acceptance speech, which peaked with her screaming out, Bitch, Im winning.

On social media, Lizzo can often be seen getting out of chauffeur-driven cars and swanning around on private jets.

If that is oppression, then a lot of us would like a piece of it.

THE scenes from the end of the Reading Festival were an embarrassment.

Tents set on fire, rubbish everywhere, people fleeing the site in a bid to get to safety.


Why do these big music festivals so often descend into orgies of violence and mass littering?

On the Reading Festivals website, the organisers boast they are committed to making sure the event has a good impact on the environment, not least to preserve the live music experience for generations to come.

Tell you what, try to preserve the live music experience for this generation first, and dont organise events that leave parkland looking like a wasteland.


There are 100 times more migrants crossing the Channel than in 2018 so why wont government accept its a... - The US Sun

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