Uranus and Mars conjunction on July 30 and 31 – EarthSky

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 11:45 am

In the early morning on July 30 and 31, 2022, use binoculars to focus on Mars, and youll spot Uranus in the same field of view. Mars shines relatively bright and red. Uranus appears as a dim greenish light. This view is for the Northern Hemisphere. Chart via John Jardine Goss.Mars and Uranus in one binocular field of view

On July 30 and 31, 2022, before the sun rises and while the sky is still fairly dark, grab a pair of binoculars and head out under the stars. If youve never spotted Uranus before, nows your chance.

The elusive 7th planet from the sun is dim, shining at magnitude 5.8. Sure, some people can spot objects of magnitude 6 with their eye alone. But unless you have a lot of experience, very dark skies and great eyesight, youll want a pair of binoculars to see Uranus.

Uranus is a challenge to observe because its just one point of light floating against the background stars of similar brightness. But on July 30 and 31, you have a not-so-secret weapon on your side: Mars. Mars shines bright at magnitude 0.2 and has a reddish glow. Look high above the southeastern horizon to spot it, then use binoculars to focus on Uranus hiding in the dark depths nearby.

Uranus will be to the upper left of Mars for Northern Hemisphere observers. Its the brightest point of light close to Mars. (If youre in the Southern Hemisphere, Uranus will be the brightest point of light in binoculars thats just below Mars.)

Uranus and Mars are about 2 degrees apart on the morning of July 30. Theyre a bit closer around 1 1/2 degrees apart on July 31. In reality, the planets are quite far apart. They average about 17.69 astronomical units (AU) from each other. Thats about 1.6 billion miles or 2.6 billion kilometers.

For more great observing events in the coming weeks, visit EarthSkys night sky guide

Bottom line: Use Mars to spot the elusive 7th planet, Uranus. A pair of binoculars will help you see the faint outer planet.

Kelly Kizer Whitt has been a science writer specializing in astronomy for more than two decades. She began her career at Astronomy Magazine, and she has made regular contributions to AstronomyToday and the Sierra Club, among other outlets. Her childrens picture book, Solar System Forecast, was published in 2012. She has also written a young adult dystopian novel titled A Different Sky. When she is not reading or writing about astronomy and staring up at the stars, she enjoys traveling to the national parks, creating crossword puzzles, running, tennis, and paddleboarding. Kelly lives with her family in Wisconsin.

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Uranus and Mars conjunction on July 30 and 31 - EarthSky

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