Why am I addicted to astronomy? – Newsbook

Posted: May 25, 2022 at 4:21 am

I believe that it is in our DNA that there is the need to explore, to find something and make sense to it.

The connection between space and our origins is unique and quite identical, so I believe that through my images of the cosmos, Im reconnecting to that realm that I belong.

As much as I love photographing space as an explorer, the images that I capture are much more prefunding as Im witnessing the grandeur with never ending bliss of heaven.

Astrophotography makes me feel like actually taking part in that whole thing of whats going on.

The fact that we cant explain the wonders of the cosmos and the Universe, drives me to go out more over and over again.

The Milky-way is our home in the cosmos, the galaxy that we live in holds about 100 billion stars. During the past few decades we have discovered that at least from a physical perspective, humans are but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of the universe.We live on a small planet which revolves around a very ordinary star.

The Kepler space observatory has shown us that our Milky Way galaxy is teeming with about a billion Earth-size planets orbiting their parent stars in the Habitable Zone (that not-so-cold-not-so-hot region that allows for liquid water to exist on the planets surface) so its inevitable that earth like planets exist in our home galaxy, one can imagine now what cannot exist in the grandeur cosmos.

A deep image of a tiny piece of sky, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Almost every point of light in this image represents a galaxy with about a hundred billion stars like the Sun.


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Why am I addicted to astronomy? - Newsbook

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