CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF) Expected to Announce Earnings of $6.16 Per Share – Defense World

Posted: May 21, 2022 at 6:52 pm

Equities analysts expect CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF Get Rating) to report earnings per share (EPS) of $6.16 for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Five analysts have provided estimates for CF Industries earnings, with estimates ranging from $4.44 to $7.29. CF Industries posted earnings of $1.14 per share during the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year-over-year growth rate of 440.4%. The business is expected to report its next earnings report on Monday, January 1st.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that CF Industries will report full-year earnings of $18.94 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $16.66 to $22.73. For the next fiscal year, analysts expect that the business will report earnings of $14.26 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $9.24 to $18.60. Zacks EPS calculations are an average based on a survey of research firms that follow CF Industries.

CF Industries (NYSE:CF Get Rating) last issued its earnings results on Wednesday, May 4th. The basic materials company reported $4.21 earnings per share for the quarter, hitting analysts consensus estimates of $4.21. The company had revenue of $2.87 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts expectations of $2.62 billion. CF Industries had a net margin of 19.73% and a return on equity of 35.04%. The firms revenue was up 173.7% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.70 earnings per share.

Shares of CF Industries stock traded down $4.56 during trading on Friday, hitting $95.79. 3,684,379 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 3,241,641. The stocks fifty day moving average is $101.09 and its 200 day moving average is $81.05. The stock has a market cap of $19.98 billion, a PE ratio of 12.34, a P/E/G ratio of 0.88 and a beta of 1.02. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.44, a quick ratio of 1.50 and a current ratio of 1.72. CF Industries has a 12 month low of $43.19 and a 12 month high of $113.49.

The firm also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Tuesday, May 31st. Stockholders of record on Monday, May 16th will be given a dividend of $0.40 per share. This is a positive change from CF Industriess previous quarterly dividend of $0.30. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, May 13th. This represents a $1.60 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.67%. CF Industriess dividend payout ratio (DPR) is 20.62%.

In other news, VP Richard A. Hoker sold 4,085 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, March 14th. The shares were sold at an average price of $93.93, for a total value of $383,704.05. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through the SEC website. Also, VP Susan L. Menzel sold 20,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, February 28th. The stock was sold at an average price of $80.35, for a total transaction of $1,607,000.00. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last 90 days, insiders have sold 1,333,463 shares of company stock valued at $107,631,042. Insiders own 0.42% of the companys stock.

Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Vanguard Group Inc. raised its position in CF Industries by 0.4% during the first quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 25,747,358 shares of the basic materials companys stock valued at $2,653,523,000 after acquiring an additional 94,482 shares in the last quarter. State Street Corp raised its position in CF Industries by 0.5% during the fourth quarter. State Street Corp now owns 9,390,450 shares of the basic materials companys stock valued at $664,656,000 after acquiring an additional 49,793 shares in the last quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp raised its position in CF Industries by 0.3% during the third quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 5,922,239 shares of the basic materials companys stock valued at $330,579,000 after acquiring an additional 15,311 shares in the last quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC raised its position in CF Industries by 8.3% during the fourth quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC now owns 5,040,352 shares of the basic materials companys stock valued at $356,069,000 after acquiring an additional 387,547 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Glendon Capital Management LP raised its position in CF Industries by 17.1% during the third quarter. Glendon Capital Management LP now owns 4,958,222 shares of the basic materials companys stock valued at $276,768,000 after acquiring an additional 722,745 shares in the last quarter. 93.00% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

CF Industries Company Profile (Get Rating)

CF Industries Holdings, Inc manufactures and sells hydrogen and nitrogen products for energy, fertilizer, emissions abatement, and other industrial activities worldwide. Its principal products include anhydrous ammonia, granular urea, urea ammonium nitrate, and ammonium nitrate products. The company also offers diesel exhaust fluid, urea liquor, nitric acid, and aqua ammonia products; and compound fertilizer products with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

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CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF) Expected to Announce Earnings of $6.16 Per Share - Defense World

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