Here’s what happened this week in Arizona history: May 15-21 – KJZZ

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 9:49 pm

A collection of the interesting and sometimes unusual events that happened this week in Arizona history.

On this date in 1899, the Phoenix Daily Herald ran an ad placed by a local contractor asking residents why they continue to spend $5, $10 or $15 a month on rent when they could own a lot in the heart of Phoenix for $65 to $200.

On this date in 1899, the Phoenix Daily Herald reported the departure of John Gorman, who was the tollgate keeper on the Riverside-to-Globe road until it was abandoned. Gorman took tolls for 18 years, often with a pistol or shotgun in his hand.

On this date in 1922, outlaws attempted the holdup of the Southern Pacific Golden State at Jaynes Station near Tucson. One was killed and the others fled as the express messenger used his shotgun.

On this date in 1898, Arizona barbers raised their prices to an unheard of high for a shave 25 cents.

On this date in 1910, Edward Hughes, one of the original locators of the Helvetia mines, died.

On this date in 1916, the town of Pima was incorporated.

On this date in 1929, high winds toppled the new Somerton Junior High school under construction at Somerton, south of Yuma. One workman was killed and another seriously injured.

On this date in 1930, outlaws set fire to the railway trestle between Miami and Globe in an effort to wreck the Southern Pacific train but the engineer opened the throttle and raced through the flames.

On this date in 1910, the Douglas police chief arrested the mayor on a charge of failing to hitch his horse.

On this date in 1910, a carload of wild broncos was shipped from Phoenix to New York where they would be ridden, three each day, at the New York Hippodrome by rodeo rider Bert Bryan.

Library of Congress

The New York Hippodrome, also known as the Hippodrome Theatre, in 1910.

On this date in 1931, Nogales dedicated its new international airport.

On this date in 1940, the University of Arizona radio bureau director said women were too artificial on the air to be successful.

On this date in 1900, an Arizona and New Mexico Railroad freight train crashed through a bridge near Clifton. Three people were killed and nine injured.

On this date in 1910, the Hotel Adams in Phoenix was destroyed by fire, with the loss estimated at $275,000 and two people killed. Gov. and Mrs. Richard Sloan, who were living in the hotel made their escape without injury.

Library of Congress

A view of Adams Street with Hotel Adams (left) in 1908 Phoenix.

On this date in 1865, the Prescott Post Office was established.

On this date in 1929, Federal Engineer H.J. Gault arrived in Yuma to begin the final survey of the All-American Canal.

On this date in 1910, Mr. John Gardner, Pima County census enumerator, reported that as he entered a Yaqui village in northern Pima County all the Indians quickly vanished. His total count for the village was one female.

On this date in 1890, the Arizona Republican published its first issue and would become the Arizona Republic 40 years later.

On this date on 1892, a stage coach line was established between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon.

On this date in 1916, private citizens of Arizona let the contract for a solid silver service to be presented to the battleship Arizona. The price was approximately $8,000.

On this date in 1862, the advance guard of the California Column reached Tucson under the command of Lt. Col. Joseph West and established Camp Lowell.

On this date in 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act, giving free land to citizens who could qualify for ownership by living on the land.

On this date in 1910, the Arizona Daily Star announced that incorporation papers were to be filed by a company of local promoters who planned to build a resort in Madera Canyon in the Santa Rita Mountains.

On this date in 1931, border patrolmen discovered the skeleton of a 25,000-year-old mammoth near Hereford.

On this date in 1954, Dean Byron Cummings, professor of archaeology at the University of Arizona and the person many believe was the first white man to see Rainbow Bridge, died.


The Cummings-Douglass Expedition of 1909 set out to find Rainbow Bridge. Center: Byron Cummings sitting between John Wetherill and William Douglass. It's debated who in the party was the first to see the landmark.

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Here's what happened this week in Arizona history: May 15-21 - KJZZ

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