Letters to the editor: Backing Barrick; flag isn’t all about freedom – VC Star

Posted: April 11, 2022 at 6:36 am

Supporting Barrick for DA

We are the presidents of all of the peace officers associations of Ventura County. We represent hundreds of active sworn peace officers who work daily to provide safety and security to the residents of this county. John Barrick is the only candidate for District Attorney whom we believe shares our dedication toward public safety.

It is critically important to support a candidate for District Attorney who grew up here and has proven that true public service means putting the needs of the community first. Only John Barrick has done that.

John Barrick is not a career politician. He is a 17-year prosecutor who has worked in the trenches alongside us fighting against not only criminals, but harmful criminal laws passed in Sacramento that only serve to re-victimize those who have suffered the most.

The District Attorney must be supported by law enforcement. It is the only way people can be assured that their welfare and personal safety will always be placed first. As the last line of defense for crime victims, the peace officers associations of this county and their 900 active members loudly and proudly support John Barrick. Working so diligently and unselfishly for crime victims, Mr. Barrick has earned our respect. There simply is no other candidate who can say that, and there is no other candidate we trust to do what is necessary to protect everyone and keep them safe. On June 7, please join us in voting for John Barrick as our next District Attorney.

Mike Aranda, National Latino Police Officers Association Advocacy; Rick Marquez, Oxnard Peace Officers Association; Joe Metz, Ventura Police Officers Association; Tim Wedemeyer, Simi Valley Police Officers Association; Kris Acebo, Ventura County Professional Peace Officers Association; Dan McCarthy, Santa Paula Police Officers Association; Mike Hamrick, Port Hueneme Police Officers Association

Re: Judi Kroegers April 6 letter, Leave our flag alone:

The writer refers to our flag, but seems to want to choose those it represents. Her handwringing over what people do with the flag, or alternate flag designs, is a recycled issue from the 1960-70s. Shecites Websters definition of a patriot as, A person who loves his country. Supporting it and defending it and its interests. It is her interpretation that this includes symbols like flags.

Those who respect Americas best morals, high intentions, and our legal traditions, and consider the flag a symbol of such, should be commended. But since the 1960s, the Stars & Stripes have been showing up in fashions and posters in all manner of configurations.

Today, it isnt possible to determine the political affiliation of someone dressed in a flag hat, shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

Part of Americas story is that we are free to agree or disagree with how to support or defend the U.S and define its interests. America has achieved great things and held lofty ideals, but there have been other things, like slavery, denying the vote to Blacks/women, Japanese internment camps, etc. When she calls for honoring the flag, there was a time when much of the country flew a Confederate flag. Is that flag a sacred symbol?

One of our precious rights and privileges is to protest and to disagree. The Supreme Court has always protected that right, even when it involves the flag and what we are allowed to do with it. That freedom is our true symbol. Beware of recent self-proclaimed patriots, because that title is misapplied to those who disrespect democracy and the rule of law.

Stuart Wing, Moorpark

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Letters to the editor: Backing Barrick; flag isn't all about freedom - VC Star

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