Construction Crews Making Progress On Projects Along The Arkansas River – KWTV

Posted: March 18, 2022 at 8:09 pm

Construction crews are working hard on the Zink dam and Coffer dam on the Arkansas River in front of Tulsa's Gathering Place. Crews say the next steps will be to start demolition on the old pedestrian bridge and existing dam.

Brooke Caviness is the lead engineer of stormwater design and said once the dam is complete the water will be about 10 feet deep for Zink lake that will run from Gathering Place to Highway 244.

Caviness said demolition will begin on the 21st of March.

Just like we did on this side where they start all the concrete work, a lot of concrete work. And then theyll come in with the new gates and put them in. At the same time theyre going to be working on the bank on the east side as well as the flume. There is a lot of rock work and concrete work that goes involved in that," said Caviness.

According to Caviness, the timeline for completion is still set for July 2023.


Construction Crews Making Progress On Projects Along The Arkansas River - KWTV

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