Vermont: Gun Bill Redux Advances to the Governor – NRA ILA

Posted: March 18, 2022 at 8:01 pm

Montpelier gun banners worked their way around the Governor's veto of S.30 and advanced a newgun bill, S.4,that incorporated the Governor's suggested change. This essentially put a band-aid on a catastrophe. S.4 is still a horrible bill, and underscores what anti-gun majoritiesin theVermont Statehouseview as theirpriority.

S.30originally began as a location restriction for hospitals but evolved into an Omnibus Gun Control Bill. One of the focal points of the legislation expanded NICS delayed background checks indefinitely. It also expanded the states red flag law. After the Governor vetoed the bill and called for the indefinite wait on NICS delayed checks to be amended to 7 days, the Legislature quickly responded withS.4. They took an existing bill on another subject and did a "strike all" to address the Governor'slonegrievance with the bill.The Senatealso voted to override the Governor's veto, but they did not have the votes for an override in the House. As a result, the House passed S.4 on Thursday on a 90-42 roll call vote that was largely along party lines. Having now passed both chambers, S.4 advances to Gov. Phil Scott for consideration.

Anti-gun legislators have proven they aremore interested in pushing their political agendasrather than working on any number of other serious, real-world problems. They have devoted an extraordinary amount of time this session to pushing gun control, and the agenda will not change until the lawmakers are changed. Elections have consequences, and gun owners need to remember this in November. Theirbrazen moves in an election year underscore that they will notbe deterred until they are sent a message at the ballot box. NRA will continue to fight against all infringements on the Second Amendment and stand up for Vermont gun owners.

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Vermont: Gun Bill Redux Advances to the Governor - NRA ILA

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