Your Opinion: Doomed to live in our mess – Jefferson City News Tribune

Posted: December 23, 2021 at 10:24 pm

Howard Shotts


Dear Editor:

Never thought it would happen but based upon today's experiences I may be living in a novel. Now, there are a lot of novels it would be fun living in, but this is not one of them.

Day started as usual, going to the store to buy a paper as it is not delivered in our area. There was no paper at the store because the delivery person just did not show up. While there, might as well pick up some groceries. Shelves were almost bare; store is having a problem finding workers who will do the job. Even if they could, due to the problem at distribution centers and trucking companies finding drivers, there would have had no products to stock.

Went home to read a book and have my morning toast in the new toaster oven. Five minutes later, my bread was still bread, warm it was, toast it was not. Surely, I can at least have a cup of coffee with my book.

Coffee pot, while not new, wasn't old either. Got it ready, turned it on, lights lite up and that was about all. Water was still water and the grinds still grinds. That is when it hit me, "Oh my, I am living in Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged.'"

If you haven't read it, it is understandable, good read, but ever so long. Anyway, it is about what happens to a society where the lawmakers make laws, rules and regulations in favor of what they want rather than what is good for those in the society, much like what is going on here today.

Workers won't work and neither do the products they make. It gets so bad those who have the skills and abilities just simply "disappear" from society, leaving those who made the mess to live in it. The ending is where our real lives will be most unlike the novel as they find a place to hide. We have no such place. Having no "John Galt," we are doomed to live in the mess being made.

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Your Opinion: Doomed to live in our mess - Jefferson City News Tribune

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