Letter: It’s time to speak up against ignorance – petoskeynews.com

Posted: December 13, 2021 at 2:14 am

Brian R. Morgan| Gaylord

Local school boards across the country have been bombarded by right-wing parents and their indoctrinated children, who oppose any type of mask mandate or vaccination efforts.

A closer look at this phenomenon reveals that it's a national effort by libertarian and very conservative Trump-style Republicans attempting to sow discord and division in our nation. So far they have succeeded. Some even have threatened violence against health department personnel who have attended such meetings.

Here in Gaylord, the Northwest Michigan Public Health Department has become the target of efforts to remove public health officials and/or deny them funding for simply doing their job. The opponents of mandatory masking in school are largely ignorant of medical science and care not that if their child is not masked, not only is that a risk to their own child, but to other classmates as well. They represent a very selfish and shortsighted attempt to obstruct public servants who are trying to save the lives of children in our public schools. There is no more of a noble effort than that. Not only do these right-wing malcontents lack medical knowledge, they also apparently lack legal knowledge as well, having to walk back several attempts at crippling our local health department when advised by attorneys that their actions would either be illegal outright or not wise in general.

Our nation is in the beginning stages of a civil war largely due to the ignorant ramblings of trailer park partisans like those who have attended these meetings locally. They don't represent a majority of voters. Unfortunately, many good county commissioners are justifiably afraid that these people will put forth a popular rabble rouser against them in the next Republican primary and might just win. They figure its better to appease these people and perhaps control them a bit rather than lose an election and give them complete authority to further intimidate and wreck units of state and local government.

It's time that good people in our community speak up and confront these bullies!


Letter: It's time to speak up against ignorance - petoskeynews.com

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