6G: Laying the foundation for the future of technology – The Times of India Blog

Posted: November 27, 2021 at 5:14 am

The Indian subcontinent has witnessed a deep penetration of technology in the last decade. From intermittent access in the hands of the privileged few, theres been a concerted effort in democratizing technology for the masses. Much of this success can be credited to both PPP model and the enormous competition in the market that has played a significant role in making technology affordable for all. As the country gears up to fully adopt 5G, the world of technology has already started looking towards the future and the role technology will play to transform the business landscape.

With the emergence of new generation of mobile networks, there have been fundamental improvements in data rate, latency, connection density, and processing capabilities. This evolution has brought forth a chance for innovators to introduce newer services and offerings, ushering in a change in consumer behaviour. The journey from 3G to 4G to now the adoption of 5G has led to the development of newer usage trends. The adoption of 5G now opens a window for Indian innovators to explore the next breakthrough in technology 6G which will reshape the way people interact with AI like never before.

Earlier this year, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in webinar outlined the roadmap for 6G technology in India. It delved into areas including intelligent connectivity, deep connectivity, holographic connectivity and ubiquitous connectivity and various international initiatives to realise the vision, that will take centerstage while ushering in 6G in India.

As per industry estimates, the world is looking forward to the implementation of 6G by 2035.

The collaborative research amongst the leading players will play a critical role in setting the standards that globally support the sixth generation of mobile networks andaid the development of a ubiquitous intelligent mobile connected society, bridge the digital divide with affordability, support technologies for personalisation and localisation of services as well as focus on data protection management.

What to expect?

The advent of 6G will be more than just a generational step since it opens a new world of possibilities for the tech industry. Empowered by 6G, smart devices will become crucial catalysts and users of AI, downloading and deploying AI algorithms at different application levels to create new immersive experiences while also constantly collecting data to feed more advanced AI models. 6G will fundamentally revolutionize how AI infers, learns, interacts, and is applied, solving many traditional problems faced in AI development, such as data silos and user privacy. For instance, in the case of autonomous vehicles, 6G networks will assign the most appropriate AI algorithm and the optimal communication connection based on the location of the vehicle and the current physical environment (e.g., time of day, weather). The vehicle will be able to immediately download and run AI algorithms allowing it to provide the safest and most comfortable journey for the passenger.

Who is leading the research?

It is interesting how organizations and government institutions initiating research on the subject are staying ahead of the curve today. There are several key players leading from the front in 6G innovations. Apart from DoT, Indias collaboration with Finland under a digital partnership will focus on the development of 6G technology and the use of digital tools to transform education. Another player leading the development of 6G technology is the government of China, that launched twelve satellites into orbit, one of which was designated for 6G field tests.

Potential for economic growth

Internationally approved unitary 6G standards will reduce costs for businesses, foster higher levels of innovation and reduce inefficiencies within global digital value chains. Major industries such as manufacturing, transport, energy, smart city, health, education, agriculture and defense will bank on 6G technology to not only increase efficiency but also create deeply productive models in the manufacturing chain. The government on its part has also announced an incentive of Rs 12,195 crore for manufacturing of telecom equipment locally. Similarly, its pertinent that governments worldwide contribute towards building common unitary 6G standards and avoid the economic cost that de-coupled standards could bring to society.

Way Forward

We live through a digital revolution, and 6G will be an intrinsic element of this digital journey. The future with 6G will hold exciting technologies like autonomous vehicles, smartphones which are lightweight glasses and emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) to become a common phenomenon combined into one extended reality (XR) service. Through the rapid development of network and virtual reality technology, it can also be applied in the fields of distance education, telecommuting, and advanced three-dimensional simulation. Technology innovators will continue to conduct pre-research into 6G technology that will assist in the formation of the worlds 6G standards in the near future.

Views expressed above are the author's own.


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6G: Laying the foundation for the future of technology - The Times of India Blog

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