How is Intel Enhancing Artificial Intelligence to Drive Innovations – Analytics Insight

Posted: November 11, 2021 at 5:53 pm

Intel Corporation is an American-based multinational technology company that is headquartered in California. It is the worlds largest semiconductor chip manufacturer. Artificial Intelligence including machine learning, deep learning, and predictive analytics plays a key role in meeting the demands of workstations, data centers, and devices. Intel uses Artificial Intelligence to help create breakthrough results for medical discoveries to autonomous vehicle intelligence.

The IT Advanced Analytics of Intel developed an AI system that mines millions of public business web pages and extracts an actionable segmentation for both current and potential customers. Intel takes the most extensive suite of hardware and software technologies that can deliver broad capabilities and support diverse approaches for Artificial Intelligence.

The company is using AI for dealing with real-world applications for solving complex problems, creating new realities, and making processes more efficient. It is using AI and drones powered by Intel to restore the Great wall of China.

Recently, the firm has unveiled a deep learning system that can turn 3D rendered graphics into photorealistic images. Another interesting part is that Intels Artificial Intelligence can have a relatively high frame rate as opposed to photorealistic render engines that can take minutes or hours for a single frame.

On the other hand, Intel AI Processors are built in such a way that enables distributed learning algorithms, and using more advanced forms of Artificial Intelligence goes beyond the conversion of data into information-turning data into global knowledge. With the help of cloud computing and AI, Intel works with the largest cloud service providers to optimize cloud AI deployments across the globe. This way, Intel is enhancing artificial intelligence to boost its products and services.

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How is Intel Enhancing Artificial Intelligence to Drive Innovations - Analytics Insight

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