Making History and Exceeding Goals: What It Means to Be Forever Orange – Syracuse University News

Posted: October 21, 2021 at 10:15 pm

Forever Orange: The Campaign for Syracuse University is a clarion call to show the world what Orange can do. The response so far has been spirited and inspiring: Syracuse University has raised more in private philanthropy than at any other time in its history, surpassing $1.048 billion raisedtoward the $1.5 billion goal.

The Forever Orange campaign is focused on advancing academic excellence at all levels

Words cant fully express the depth of our gratitude to our generous donors, says Matt Ter Molen, chief advancement officer and senior vice president, Advancement and External Affairs. We are making incredible things possible through the Forever Orange campaign, things our campus community couldnt have imagined 10 years ago. We are literally reshaping futures in providing the resources to support the dreams and aspirations of our amazing students and faculty.

The Forever Orange campaign is focused on advancing academic excellence at all levels, including providing opportunities for talented students to excel; supporting new ways to deliver the learning experience; attracting and retaining faculty who are engaged in interdisciplinary and meaningful research; and ensuring that the Orange promise to create a better world is accessible to all.

The Forever Orange campaign accomplishments thus far include:

The campaign has also allowed the University to be responsive to the unique needs brought about by the global pandemic, raising $1.8 million for the Syracuse Responds COVID-19 relief effort to provide students with immediate financial support to continue their studies with minimal disruption. In addition, about $4.6 million has been raised to advance the Universitys diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility initiatives.

Some of the campaigns impact is visible across campus in new or transformed facilities, including the Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center, renovations to the Syracuse University stadium, the National Veterans Resource Center at the Daniel and Gayle DAniello Building and the Barnes Center at The Arch.

Recent gifts to the campaign demonstrate the variety of donor interests, the diverse opportunities for giving, and the potential impact for philanthropy to change lives and fuel career success. These include:

Ter Molen also notes that more than 5,100 donors made a gift during Boost the Cuse giving day on Oct. 7, 2021, raising nearly $1.3 million. He credited the collaboration, creativity, enthusiasm and support of both donors and staffers who fuel the Forever Orange Campaign and sustain its momentum. More campaign initiatives are on the way as the University sets it sights on achieving the $1.5 billion campaign goal.

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Making History and Exceeding Goals: What It Means to Be Forever Orange - Syracuse University News

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