These are 150 of the spookiest places in the U.S. See which ones are in Pa. –

Posted: October 7, 2021 at 3:27 pm

Tis the season to be spooky.

And if youre looking to be spooky, a website has listed the 150 spookiest places in the U.S. for you to pay a visit (if you dare). Fortunately, three of them are already here in Pennsylvania.

Moving experts Pro Mover Reviews decided to focus on the not-as-well-known frightening places across the land, the ones who arent up there with the Eastern State Penitentiary but are just as creepy in their own right.

Halloween is a time when we enjoy being scared and telling ghost stories, but many places around the U.S dont even need a holiday to spook us, explains the website. From weird noises coming from abandoned hospitals [and] unexplained paranormal activity to mysterious figures appearing close enough to touch you, these spooky destinations are places you wish were only just another ghost tale.

When it comes to Pennsylvania specifically, the website lists the three following locations as inspiring the most chills in bones: Pennhurst State School in Spring City; the town of Centralia; and Hill View Manor in New Castle.

Why these three? Well, for Pennhurst its all about the bad juju: The building was shut down due to the abhorrent way it treated its patients, because even though it was deemed a state school it was actually, as they put it, an Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic. In other words, it was an asylum, and got busted back in the 1980s for practicing eugenics on patients (among other things).

Centralias creepy vibes stem more from the supernatural: According to, what draws visitors to the town is that it is (literally) a ghost town, as in, barely anyone lives there anymore. This is all because a fire broke out in the town dump that ended up making the area unlivable, heating the ground up to the point where sinkhole unsuspectingly opened up below a 12-year-old boy at some point.

Lastly, theres Hill View Manor, which opened its doors as the Lawrence County Home for the Aged in 1926. The building served as a place of residence for older people without families; the poor; and the mentally ill. It closed back in 2004 due to financial issues, although many of those who formerly lived there are said to still walk its halls.

Enter at your own risk.

Original post:

These are 150 of the spookiest places in the U.S. See which ones are in Pa. -

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