Feeling trapped? Grow in freedom with these 10 insights from Pope Francis – Aleteia EN

Posted: October 7, 2021 at 3:26 pm

Pope Francis is taking a theological-pastoral look at St. Pauls letter to the Galatians during his weekly public audience.

This has led him to discuss themes such as the role of the Mosaic Law in the Christian life and the historical debate on faith and works.

On October 6, he looked at Pauls immortal words on Christian freedom. Here are pieces of the catechesis that serve for reflection on our own growth in freedom. Read the whole text here.


Freedom is a treasure that is truly appreciated only when it is lost.

The truth will make you free (John 8:31-32).

The truest freedom, that from slavery to sin, flows from the Cross of Christ.

The Christian is free, should be free, and is called not to return to being a slave of precepts and strange things.

Freedom makes free to the extent to which it transforms a persons life and directs it toward the good.

So as to be truly free, we not only need to know ourselves on the psychological level, but above all to practice truth in ourselves on a more profound level

Truth must disturb us lets return to this extremely Christian word: restlessness. restlessness is a sign that the Holy Spirit is working inside us and freedom is an active freedom.

Freedom must disturb us, it must constantly question us, so that we might always plunge deeper into what we really are.

Remaining free is arduous, it is a struggle; but it is not impossible. Courage, lets make progress regarding this, it will be good for us

Freedom makes us free, makes us joyful, makes us happy.

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Feeling trapped? Grow in freedom with these 10 insights from Pope Francis - Aleteia EN

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