Black Lives Matter effect: African men portraits by Europeans find space in exhibition for first time – WION

Posted: September 29, 2021 at 7:36 am

In what can be termed as a Black Lives Matter movement effect, two earliest portraits of men of African descent in the history of European art are being exhibited together.

This has happened for the first time in the 500-year-old history, the Rijksmuseums curators have said.


Over 100 portraits by Renaissance artists are being showcased by the museum in Amsterdam from Tuesday.

The Remember Me exhibition is running until January 16. It features works made between 1470 and 1570. It also examines the reasons that lie behind portraiture, an art form that flourished in the 1500s.

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In it, Albrecht Drers 1508 sketch, which was discovered in the German painters workshop at the time of his death, and Jan Jansz Mostaerts portrait, which dates back to 1525, are being also displayed.

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On asking why it wasnt done before, Friso Lammertse, curator of 17th century Dutch paintings at the Rijksmuseum, suggested, a relative lack of interest about the pieces seems to have been the reason of their exclusion from such exhibitions.

Things have changed only really recently, with the Black Lives Matter movement, Lammertse said.

(With inputs from agencies)

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Black Lives Matter effect: African men portraits by Europeans find space in exhibition for first time - WION

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