Letter to the Editor: Science Is Dead | The Daily Chronicle – Centralia Chronicle

Posted: September 12, 2021 at 9:46 am

Did you spread misinformation about COVID-19 today? How do you know? You dont.

Scientific study is just like politics in that diverse opinions achieve balance. When we shut down opposing views of science, we kill the very thing that saves lives. We omit what could be great achievements in medicine. When science is one-sided there is fear, distrust and resentment.

Maybe you choose not to pay attention to developments in science. Maybe you dont mind taking advice that is dictated to you via one-sided practices. Maybe you have an inherent need to learn everything you can from all sides. No matter where you stand, this very diversity of choice has come to a halt. To my point, this is not the way a healthy society thrives. If all needs are not met, no needs are met.

I am told to believe only one thing one view of all that is developing in science. My needs are not being met. I want to talk about doctors who have used alternative therapies for COVID-19. I want to know how COVID-19 was created. I want legitimate and factual explanations for suppression of opposition. There is no way to make sound judgement without all the facts. People are intelligent. We have a need to learn more in-depth information.

Throughout my research into COVID-19, I have been shut down when I am curious about what is deemed misinformation. I want to hear all sides. I want all the answers. I shouldnt be outcasted because of my curiosity. Isnt curiosity what science is based on? This doesnt make me or anyone else who is curious, any of the horrible names we are called. There is no justification for shunning curiosity.

Those that seek all information do not harm anyone. Those who suppress all information are killing science.

I think its time for a live national debate between leading doctors and scientists. A collection of all who want to attend, not just the professionals approved by the current administration.

We need the ability to ask uncomfortable questions. No suppression. No judgement.

Dot Mullins


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Letter to the Editor: Science Is Dead | The Daily Chronicle - Centralia Chronicle

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