These 13: Meet the ordinary people tasked with drawing Michigans political maps –

Posted: August 4, 2021 at 2:07 pm

Before last summer, the 13 Michigan residents randomly picked to serve on the states first independent, citizen-led redistricting commission were leading ordinary lives.

Now, the decisions they make about how to divvy up Michigans congressional and legislative districts will have implications for decades to come.

The commission is made up of six men and seven women. Two are Black, one is Middle Eastern and the rest are white. Their ages range between 28 and 74 only one is under 30.

Related: Students, retirees and a shop rat are drawing Michigans next political maps

A majority of the commission seven members live in Southeast Michigan. Two live in the northern Lower Peninsula, two live in or near Lansing, one lives in Battle Creek and one lives in Saginaw.

They were chosen randomly in 2020 from roughly 10,000 applicants as part of a system enacted via ballot initiative to put the public in charge of redistricting instead of politicians and party officials with a stake in the outcome.

In their applications and in interviews, all of the commissioners expressed a common theme they see their work as a civic duty that, if done correctly, could help change the states redistricting process for the better.

Commissioner Douglas Clark stands for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Doug Clark, Jr. - Republican

Rochester Hills resident Doug Clark, 74, is one of four Republicans serving on the commission. He is a retired operations and development manager and also served as a captain in the U.S. Army.

Clark said he applied to serve because hes long been interested in getting involved in the civic process, calling the commission the perfect opportunity to do so.

From an expectations standpoint, Clark said learning the ropes and preparing to draw the lines has been a lot more work than I thought it was going to be, but expressed confidence in the vendors and legal experts retained by the commission to assist in the process, as well as the commissions ability to reach bipartisan consensus on drawing the lines.

Theres nothing political that Ive seen yet about this group, he said. Theres no discussion of, Republicans this way, Democrats this way none of that. Were all working toward a common goal of what the people want and not what the parties want.

So I think it will work. At least with this group, I think its going to work.

Juanita Curry takes notes before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Juanita Curry - Democrat

Juanita Curry, a 73-year-old Detroit resident, serves as one of the commissions four Democrats.

Curry is now retired, but worked as a specialized foster care worker. She described herself as a people person whos always worked to help inform her community on matters of import, so she felt applying to the commission made sense.

My main goal is to at least give people some contentment that weve done better, weve brought them to a better situation, she said. That would make me feel really like that I achieved something...We cant please everybody, but pleasing most everyone, or pleasing a majority of people.

Curry said getting up to speed on the intricacies of redistricting has been a learning curve, and the prospect of divvying up districts is daunting. But she stressed that she and other commissioners are committed to keeping things as fair and transparent and honest as we can.

This is a very extraordinary experience, Curry said. Its really changing the world were changing things, and its a good thing.

Anthony Eid speaks during a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Anthony Eid - Independent

Anthony Eid, of Orchard Lake, is a medical student and is one of the five independents serving on the commission. At 28, Eid is the youngest member serving on the panel.

Eid previously served as Wayne State Universitys student body president during his undergraduate studies. He voted for the commissions creation in 2018 and applied himself because he wanted to ensure there was a diversity of age, ideas and cultures represented.

Once the commission begins drawing maps, Eid said he plans on drawing from his science background to evaluate Census data and other evidence available to assist with his decision-making. But he believes the amount and variety of input received from other Michigan residents will be a key factor in how the maps turn out.

Getting more of a diversity of ideas is going to end up with the commission making a better product thats more representative of all of those different ideas, Eid said.

Eid said he considers the independent commission a form of public advocacy, a way to look out for people who arent politically involved or may not understand the intricacies of the redistricting process.

This whole process is about community, its about having maps reflect community values, he said. So we really need the community to come out and let us know their boundaries because different communities have different values, different expectations and different lifestyles.

Commissioner Rhonda Lange (photo courtesy Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission)

Rhonda Lange - Republican

Reed City resident Rhonda Lange, 48, is a real estate agent and serves as one of the commissions four Republicans.

Lange applied for the commission because it would be a way to serve her community and the state, according to her initial application.

During commission meetings, Lange has been a vocal advocate for ensuring small, rural communities get a voice in the redistricting process.

Lange is one of two commissioners who have been attending meetings and public hearings remotely.

Steven Lett stands for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Steven T. Lett - Independent

74-year-old Interlochen resident Steven T. Lett, a semi-retired attorney, serves as one of the commissions five independent members.

Hes also the one who lives the furthest north none of the randomly selected commissioners hail from Michigans Upper Peninsula, so hes taken on a de facto liaison role for much of northern Michigan.

Lett said that while he and other commissioners havent agreed on everything, we have maintained our unanimity on drawing fair lines.

Listening to people and what everybody wants their district to be is a wide variety of things that we have to try to resolve in the end, he said.

Commissioner Brittni Kellom speaks during the first independent redistricting commission public hearing on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 in Jackson. Nicole Hester/

Brittni Kellom - Democrat

Detroit resident Brittni Kellom, 34, serves as the commissions chair and is one of four Democrats serving on the panel. She is an entrepreneur and trauma practitioner and is one of two Black women on the commission.

According to her biography, Kellom applied to the commission to affect change by giving agency to everyday citizens, value the voices and perspectives of people in underserved communities and doing her part to shift the experience of voting to a place of empowerment, education, and justice for every human being.

I believe in the power of everyday citizens to effect change in the places in which they live, Kellom wrote in her initial application. I believe in the type of innovation that comes from both collaboration and holding space for others.

Cynthia Orton stands for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Cynthia Orton - Republican

Battle Creek resident Cynthia Orton serves as one of the commissions four Republicans.

Orton, 55, was a stay-at-home mom while her kids were growing up. When they left for college, she decided to go back to school, too. She said some of the classes shes taken recently, such as communications and business courses, have helped her with the commissions work but she thinks the most important skill a commissioner can bring to the process is common sense.

I think a lot of us on the commission just have common sense, and were here to do our job, she said.

Orton said she was motivated to apply because she thought it would be a good way to be civically involved and help the state move forward in a positive direction. Despite the many unprecedented hurdles the commission has faced already, she said shes encouraged by how well the commission has been working together and believes they can come to a compromise.

When we all applied for this or voted for this, even, we could not have seen what it would be like now we werent expecting this, but here we are, she said. It has never happened before in Michigan, so we dont know what that will look like. So that is our next purpose.

Commissioner M.C. Rothhorn stands on stage for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

MC Rothhorn - Democrat

MC Rothhorn, 49, is a financial cooperator from Lansing who serves as one of the commissions four Democrats.

Rothhorn said he applied in part because he feels the democratic process is fragile, noting its important for citizens to engage in it and protect it. He said his experience living in a cooperative an environment that necessitates facilitation, group consensus and listening to others makes him a good fit for the commission.

In many ways, this is the best jury duty ever, Rothhorn said. I like being part of this democracy...jury duty was, at one point, the only way that I felt like I could actually do that. And I was never called, and now Ive been called to the best case ever.

Rothhorn said being on the commission has exceeded his expectations so far, and said hes appreciated the openness and honest discussion the public hearings have inspired.

Theyre being vulnerable theyre giving us what they think we should be taking into consideration as we draw the maps...and why that really matters to them, he said. Im humbled, right, that people would share that.

Commissioner Rebecca Szetela listens during public comment at the first independent redistricting commission public hearing on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 in Jackson. Nicole Hester/

Rebecca Szetela - Independent

Canton resident Rebecca Szetela, 48, was a later addition to the commission she was randomly picked to replace another commissioner who resigned in October. She now serves as the commissions vice-chair.

A business attorney, Szetela said she believes her experience with negotiating contracts and other disputes will help her as the commission begins piecing together draft maps. She sees the task before the commission as a good challenge and is confident the commission will be able to come to a nonpartisan consensus on final drafts.

I feel like Ive had good success as an attorney in helping people bridge those divides and come together, and I feel like we can do that here, she said. I feel like it is possible to maybe not satisfy everybody, but to satisfy most people and have most people walk away and say, OK, this process was fair and that they did their best.

Szetela said she appreciates the camaraderie the commission has been able to build over the last several months and hopes that by being as transparent as possible, they can alleviate any concerns or trepidations in the new process.

People are afraid that this process is going to disadvantage them and that theyre not going to be treated fairly, and Im hoping that we can satisfy everybody that that feeling is incorrect, she said. We are listening to them...Our goal is to come up with fair maps.

Janice Vallette speaks during a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Janice Vallette - Independent

Highland Township resident Janice Vallette, 69, is a retired banker and is one of the commissions five Independent members.

She said she voted for the commissions creation in 2018 and decided to apply when she received an application in the mail from the Secretary of State. Vallette said she felt she had the time needed to commit to drawing the maps and thought it was important to get involved.

I just thought it was a way for me to give back, she said. And I do think its really important that as a citizen, a voting person, you get to pick the people that you vote for not them manipulating the district so that they have an advantage.

Vallette has appreciated the input from Michigan residents throughout the public hearing process and encouraged people to continue uploading comments and map suggestions to the website. Of all the people shes spoken with throughout the state, she said the vast majority of them are supportive of the commissions work.

They just really love their communities, she said.

Commissioner Erin Wagner. (Photo courtesy of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission)

Erin Wagner - Republican

Charlotte resident Erin Wagner, 55, is one of the commissions four Republican members.

Wagner is a mom to six and applied to the commission in part because she wanted to ensure gerrymandering wasnt a part of her childrens future, according to her commission biography.

In her initial application, Wagner wrote that she opted to apply because she believes in the process and would like to make sure that the districts are drawn in such a way as to be representative of those who live in those districts.

Wagner is one of two commissioners who have been attending meetings and public hearings remotely.

Richard Weiss stands for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Richard Weiss - Independent

Saginaw resident Richard Weiss, 74, is one of the commissions five Independent members.

A retired autoworker, Weiss said he filled out an application for the same reasons he served on a jury several years ago, even though he could have gotten an exemption.

I dont have to do it, but I figure Im old enough, I have some ideas, I have some experience, he said. I thought, Hey, Im able, Im willing, still havent forgot who I am yet go make a difference.

Theres more to the redistricting process than Weiss initially expected. He quipped that initially he thought, give me a map, a ruler and a pen, Ill have it done in five minutes, but he quickly realized it wouldnt be quite that easy.

Weiss said the diversity of opinions and backgrounds on the commission will help the group reach a consensus that wont necessarily make everyone happy, but will meet the Constitutional requirements.

Dustin Witjes stands for a portrait before a commissioner meeting on Thursday July 1, 2021 in Grand Rapids. Nicole Hester/

Dustin Witjes - Democrat

Dustin Witjes, 32, hails from Ypsilanti and is one of the four Democrats serving on the commission.

Witjes was working as a payroll specialist prior to his current role but quit to focus on the commission full-time. He said ultimately plans to return to school to get a masters degree in mathematics.

Witjes enjoys analyzing data and said hes wanted to support the commission ever since he voted for it. He takes the role of laying a solid groundwork for future redistricting commissions seriously, whether they ultimately choose to follow what the current commission does this year to the letter or strike out their own path.

We took bits and pieces from states that have been doing this for a while to get our processes down, and I would imagine that (future commissions) would do the same thing, he said.

Although he wishes more people would participate in public comment, Witjes said he believes the independent redistricting process is currently going as well as it could be, considering the circumstances.

I just want everybody to know that we are going to be putting weight into what everyone has been saying and doing something that I hope all of Michigan will be proud of, Witjes said.

Learn more about the commissions work:

How to weigh in:

The commission took public input during 16 hearings over the last several weeks and will continue to consider public comments submitted to an online portal where residents can upload comments and their own suggested district maps.

After the commission comes up with a set of draft maps, members will tour the state once more to hear from citizens about their specific proposals before voting on a final product.

For more information, Michiganders are encouraged to check out the commissions website or call 833-968-3729, although formal comments on the redistricting process cannot be taken over the phone.

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These 13: Meet the ordinary people tasked with drawing Michigans political maps -

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