Q&A Collections: Using Technology With Students (Opinion) – Education Week

Posted: July 27, 2021 at 1:23 pm

During the summer, I am sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past 10 years. You can see all those collections from the first nine years here.

Here are the ones Ive published so far:

The 11 Most Popular Classroom Q&A Posts of the Year

Race & Racism in Schools

School Closures & the Coronavirus Crisis

Classroom-Management Advice

Best Ways to Begin the School Year

Best Ways to End the School Year

Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning

Implementing the Common Core

Challenging Normative Gender Culture in Education

Teaching Social Studies

Cooperative & Collaborative Learning

Todays theme is on using tech with students . You can see the list of posts following this excerpt from one of them:

* Teacher-Recommended Tools for Online Learning

Four teachers offer several suggestions for online tools to promote interactive learning, and many others offer readers comments about their favorites.

* 10 Favorite Online Teaching Tools Used by Educators This Year

Three other teachers and I share our favorite online tools to use during this unusual year.

* Five Ways to Differentiate Instruction in an Online Environment

Examples from two educators include giving students the time to take physical breaks as well as pausing academic presentations to give students time to think.

* Seven Ways to Support ELLs in Online Content Classes

I offer seven suggestions on how to help English-learners when doing remote teaching, including by providing graphic organizers and models.

* Start With the Content & Not With the Tech

Danielle Herro, Blake Harvard, Michael D. Toth, Michael Fisher, and Kenneth Tam wrap up this three-part series on using technology with students.

* Ways to Use Tech in the Classroom

Jayme Linton, Eric Sheninger, Cindy Garcia, Suzanne Lucas, Ari Flewelling, Carrie Rogers-Whitehead, Carolyn Brown, and Jerry Zimmermann contribute their ideas on how to use ed-tech.

* Technology Doesnt Replace Good Teaching

Anne Jenks, Michelle Shory, Ed.S, Irina V. McGrath, Ph.D., Kim Jaxon, Beth Gotcher, Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Ph.D., and Keisha Rembert share their suggestions for using tech effectively in class.

* Technology Will Never Replace a Great Teacher

Mark Estrada, Jenny Grant Rankin, Sarah Thomas, and Tom Daccord share their ideas about what ed-tech will look like 25 years from today.

* Ways to Use Tech in Math Class

Bobson Wong, Elissa Scillieri, Jennifer Chang-Wathall, and Anne Jenks offer their recommendations on using tech in math classes.

* Tech Does Not Replace PedagogyIt Complements It

Kristan Morales, Cathy Seeley, and Madeline Whitaker Good write about how to use tech effectively in math classes.

* Tech Tools Have the Power to Enhance Academic Work

Jeryl-Ann Asaro, Sean Ruday, Carolyn Brown, Jerry Zimmermann, and Sarah Thomas offer their ideas on tech in the English classroom.

* Ways to Use Tech Effectively in English Classes

Jennifer Casa-Todd, Jenny Vo, Maggie Verdoia, Sarah Acosta Landry, Ingrid Nelson, and Stephanie Affinito share suggestions on how to use tech in English classes.

* Ways to Use Tech in Science Class

Erin Bridges Bird, Peggy Harte, Patrick Brown, James Concannon, Nick Cusumano, and Donna Markey share ways to use ed-tech in science classes.

* Ways to Use Tech in Social Studies Classes

Sarah Cooper and Ken Halla share suggestions on how to use tech in social studies classes.

* Social Media Helps Teachers & Students Flatten the Schoolhouse WallsGuests Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski, Steve Wyborney, and Brandon C. Waite write their thoughts about the roles of social media in education.

* Using Social Media Wisely in Education>

Lorena German, Shaeley Santiago, Jeremy Hyler, Troy Hicks, and Mary Howard share their ideas on using social media in education.

* Embracing Technology as a Tool for Differentiation

Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Becky Shiring, Katie Robinson, Sonny Magana, and Monica Burns contribute their suggestions on using tech to differentiate instruction.

* Ways to Use Tech to Differentiate Instruction

Anne Jenks, Ge-Anne Bolhuis, Nancy Sulla, Sarah Shartzer, Daniel L. Schwartz, Jessia M. Tsang, and Kristen P. Blair share their suggestions on using technology to differentiate instruction.

* Using Videos to Enhance Learning Experiences for Students

Amber Chandler, Jen Schwanke, Dawn Wilson, Katie Alaniz, Laura Greenstein, Russel Tarr, and Sarah Thomas share their ideas on using video as a teaching tool.

* The Best Ways to Use Video in Class

Jason Griffith, Ken Halla, Rebecca Alber, Jennie Farnell, Cheryl Mizerny, and Michele L. Haiken share their suggestions on how teachers can most effectively use video in the classroom.

* Double Flip Your Classroom

Daniel Schwartz, Jeryl-Ann Asaro, and William Kist share their thoughts on flipped learning.

* Flipped Learning Does Not Just Mean Posting Videos

Rita Platt, Kristina J. Doubet, Eric M. Carbaugh, Sarah Thomas, Troy Cockrum, Sonja Cherry-Paul, and Dana Johansen share advice with teachers exploring flipped learning.

* Make 1:1 Programs About the Learning, Not the Device

Brady E. Venables, Djamal Balbed, Boyd Adolfsson, Joyce Cluess, and Robert Dillon share their ideas on how to implement one-to-one computer programs in schools.

* Guidelines for Successful One-to-One Computer Programs

Anne Jenks, Heather Staker, Larissa Pahomov, and Stephanie Smith Budhai share their suggestions on how schools can successfully implement one-to-one computer programs.

* Tech Helps Us Be a Little Less Common

Kristin Ziemke, Amber Teamann, Erik M. Francis, Shelly Lynn Counsell, Marsha Ratzel, and Richard Byrne share their ideas on the role of tech in meeting the Common Core State Standards.

* The Role of Tech in Common Core

Julie D. Ramsay, Michele L. Haiken, Laura Taddei, Melissa Oliver, and Michael Casey contribute their thoughts on the connections between ed-tech and the Common Core State Standards.

* Tech Tools That Increase Learning

The final post in this series on web tools and apps for learning features ideas from Laura Taddei, Amy Benjamin, Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski, and Carolina Prez Ramrez. I also include comments from readers.

* Tech Tools Can Facilitate Learning in Powerful Ways

Kristina J. Doubet, Eric M. Carbaugh, Jules Csillag, Tahnja Wilson, Rajesh Kripalani, Marsha Ratzel, and Zachary Walker share their suggestions for tech tools to use in the classroom.

* Educators Favorite Tech Tools

Anna Bartosik, Jared Covili, Sam Patterson, Anabel Gonzalez, Richard Byrne, and Russel Tarr share suggestions on how to navigate through the ed-tech jungle.

* Children Need Both Paper Books & Digital Texts

Katie Keier, Stacy Nockowitz, Barbara Paciotti, and many readers share their thoughts on the debate between reading digitally or on paper.

* Reading Digitally vs. Reading Paper

Daniel Willingham, Kristin Ziemke, Lester Laminack, and Kimberly Carraway explore that topic of reading digitally compared with reading on paper in this post.

* Blended Learning Is the Next Generation of Education

Angel Cintron Jr., Connie Parham, Catlin Tucker, Sheri Edwards, Cheryl Costello, William J. Tolley, and George Station explore what blended learning is and how it can be made most effective.

* Ed-Tech Has Overpromised & Underdelivered

Jon Bergmann, Aaron Sams, Jake Goran, Steven Anderson, Derek Cabrera, and Rebecca Blink contribute their commentaries on the trials and tribulations of using ed-tech.

* Be Patient When Dealing With Ed-Tech Problems

Larissa Pahomov, Anne Jenks, Jared Covili, Billy Krakower, and Heather Staker will share what theyve found to be common ed-tech problems and how to respond to them effectively.

* Start With Goals, Not Tech or Curriculum

Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Pontus Hiort, Rebecca Blink, Leah Cleary, Heather Wolpert-Gawron, and Barbara Blackburn share their ideas on the role of tech in schools.

* Technology in the Classroom Is Simply a Tool

Andrew Miller, Jennifer Orr, Michael Fisher, Cheryl Mizerny, and Travis Phelps discuss which should come firstcurriculum or tech?

* Start With Learning Goals Before Thinking About Tech

Educators Suzie Boss, Ken Halla, Jennifer Gonzalez, Kristina J. Doubet, Eric M. Carbaugh, Heather Staker, Katie Muhtaris, and Kristin Ziemke provide their suggestions on how to balance the use of technology in the classroom.

* Personalized Learning Is Based on Relationships, Not Algorithms

John Spencer, Andrew Miller, Heather Staker, Jeffrey Benson, and Louis Cozolino discuss the definition, and practical impacts, of personalized learning.

* Personalized Learning Is a Partnership With Students

Diana Laufenberg, Allison Zmuda, Pernille Ripp, Barbara Bray, Kathleen McClaskey, and Steven Anderson share their thoughts on what personalized learning looks like in the classroom.

* Ways to Help Students Develop Digital Portfolios

Several educators volunteered to write responses for this postRusul Alrubail, Michael Fisher, Frank Serafini, Kristin Ziemke, Kate Muhtaris, Jeb Schenck, and Joe Rommel.

* With 3D Printers, Youre Only Limited by Your Imagination!

Laura Blankenship, David Malpica, David Thornburg, and Terry Graff have contributed commentaries here.

* Ways to Shrink the Change of Tech & CCSS in Your Classroom

Sonja Cherry-Paul, Dana Johansen, Mike Fisher, Andrew Miller, and Amy Roediger share their advice.

* Slow & Steady Wins the Race for Making Changes in Teaching

Charlene Stone, Jeremy Hyler, and Harry Dickens contribute their suggestions.

* Simply Putting Tech in Front of Students Wont Engage Them

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Q&A Collections: Using Technology With Students (Opinion) - Education Week

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