Ayn Rand Think Tanker Says Florida Condo Collapse Happened Because People Made A Bad Decision and Now Suffer the Consequences of It – Mediaite

Posted: July 10, 2021 at 3:40 am

On Wednesdays edition of The Majority Report, the chairman of the board of the Ayn Rand Institute said that the condo association of the collapsed Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida made a bad decision and that it is rightly suffering the consequences of it.

Yaron Brook told an incredulous Sam Seder that in a truly free market, the company that insured the now collapsed building would have hired its own inspector to ensure the building was structurally sound. Now, in the world we live in today, they dont, said Brook, Because they rely on the government inspector.

Seder responded by saying government and private inspectors had expressed concerns about the structural integrity of the building. The private owners of that building made the decision not to fix it.

Then why are we worried about it? asked Brook. They made a decision and they suffered the consequences.

Because theres a hundred and fifty dead people, Seder replied.

People who made a decision, said Brook, Who made a bad decision and suffer the consequences of it. Im not justifying the building collapsing. Im saying that people make decisions. If I make a decision to walk into the street without looking, should the driver be limited in his capacity to drive because I made a stupid decision?

Brook concluded, What you want is for the people who make the decision to suffer [or] to benefit from the consequences of their actions.

A 2018 inspection report warned of major structural damage to Champlain Towers South, and it suggested that concrete damage would only worsen with time. Less than three months before the collapse, the condo association president said the condition of the building had gotten significantly worse since the inspection in 2018.

As of Wednesday afternoon, 46 bodies have been recovered from the rubble, and 94 people remain unaccounted for.

Watch above via The Majority Report.

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Ayn Rand Think Tanker Says Florida Condo Collapse Happened Because People Made A Bad Decision and Now Suffer the Consequences of It - Mediaite

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